SSC History Interview Questions
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Who is considered as the greatest of all the Vijayanagar rulers?


4 9151

Which as the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard?


4 7253

The American Civil War saw the end of ?


5 6862

Who was the German General nicknamed ?Desert Fox ?during the Second World War ?

4 6551

To which age Leonardo da vinci represented ?

8 8784

With whom is ?Junagarh Rock Inscription associated?

7 11021

In which subject Nalanda University was a great centre of especially learning?

7 8140

To which ruler the title ?Lakh Baksh? was given?

4 10047

In whose reign the Rathas of Mahabalipuram was built?

9 10208

To which the Ahmedabad Satyagraha of Gandhi was directed?

6 8186

Now in which state was the former princely state Nahan?

5 7101

When D-Day is the day?


6 9550

Who wrote ?Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Humaare Dil Mein Hai??

31 32798

Who wrote the play ?Uttararamacharita??

12 15823

Who is hailed as the ?God of Medicine? by the Ayurveda practitioners?

8 10919

Post New SSC History Questions

Un-Answered Questions { SSC History }

Who introduced English in India?


What are the various modes of resistance by the slaves against their enslavement in the U.S.?


Evaluate the changing notions of history. Do you agree with the view that the early Indians had no notion of history?


Explain the role of the 'Left Wing' in the Indian struggle for independence.


Explain about the emergence of Islam in Arabia?


Can you talk about the spread of Humanism in 16th century Europe?


Was the rise of militarism in Japan due to the failure of parliamentary democracy?


What is your understanding of Agrarian crisis ?


Explain about the emergence of the European state system?


What is your understanding of the regional and chronological distribution of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures?


Who were the first to establish regular trade with India?


Would you agree with the view that big dams have caused social and ecological imbalances in India?


What were the problems in the Anglo-Chinese relationship in the nineteenth century? In what way did the Opium trade precipitate the war?


Explain about the Stone Age tool technology and economic patterns in India?


Explain the salient features of Asoka's policy of dharma and evaluate its impact on the downfall of the Mauryan dynasty.