General Science Interview Questions
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What is the cytology ?

4 6251

What is the Physiology ?

3 4251

What is the Embrylogy ?

2 3835

What is the Physiology ?

3 4295

What is the Taxonomy ?

2 3626

What is the Ecology ?

1 3424

What is the Genetics?

3 4020

What is the Organic Evolution ?

1 3172

What is the life cycle ?

1 3282

What is the Protoplasm ?

1 3304

What is the Cellular Structure ?

1 3058

What is the Respiration ?

2 4121

What is the Metabolism ?

2 3888

What is the growth ?

2 3595

What is the Movement ?

2 3602

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In which year the solar observatory in kodikanal founded?


Let arr be an array of 20 integers. Write a program that first fills the array with up to 20 input values and then finds and displays both the subscript of the largest item in arr and the value of the largest item. • Use an IDE to develop and save your work


When a person sends a message to someone with the Internet, there are steps that happen to the recipient to receive the message. How does the recipient know that the message was not edited by someone else?


Explain any four values that can be developed through teaching Physical Science


Write about recreational function of Science


Terls was dedicated to u.n as an international institution?




What is the speed of arihant?


How does a RCCB work? Difference between ELCB & RCCB?


Give two National aims of science education


What is meant by Incidental Correlation?


Which are the research centres of department of atomic energy?


what is defination of conductivity? How much conductivity of water ? what is effect when conductity of water low or high?


is the big bang theory correct, because as I wondered the explosion is too powerful that no one could survive after galaxies were created no life exist on it after the 3.5 billion years life exist so... my question is were is the life came from?


What is voltage? ?? What type of of show voltage. ?? Practillay how's voltage?