General Physics Interview Questions
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Explain about Cosmic rays?

1 725

What is Solar Energy?

2 999

What is the Spectrum?

1 836

Define Fixation of Nitrogen?

1 766

What is Alum?

1 805

What is the Dry Ice?

1 749

Define Nucleus?

1 784

What do you know about Noble Gases?

1 818

What do you know about Absolute Zero?

1 788

Examine the working of the Refrigerator?

1 765

What do you know about the Fluorescent Tube?

1 767

What do you know about the Colour photography?

1 814

Describe the Working of the Transistor?

1 832

Describe the Working of the Telephone?

1 722

What forces support an airplane in flight?

1 774

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Un-Answered Questions { General Physics }

Tell me what is pascal s principle?


What is the proper definition of light?


What is the measure of the force of gravity on an object?


What are the weights in pounds of liquid gallons?


What evidence is there supporting the big bang theory?


Tell me how are amps and watts related?


A truck travels 420 m. Each tire on the truck has a diameter of 42 cm. If one revolution of a tire is equal to 2? Times the radius of the tire (in meters), which of the following equations shows how many revolutions each tire makes as the distance is traveled?


Tell me why is n-type conductor is neutral?


Explain planck’s hypothesis? : quantum physics


What is channel?


Explain how do you separate hydrogen and oxygen gases in industrial electrolysis of water process?


Explain the cause of brownian motion?


What is the opaque?


All elements with an atomic number greater than what number are unstable?


What is audio frequency?