QTP Interview Questions
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In QTP where i have to concentrate more in the Interview point of View

1 3806

As u told write Libarary files in QTP. Do u use ever oject repositary 0r spy while writing scripts and for which type of testing u prepared test scripts.

1 3660

Where we save all scripts in the QTP

Ordain Solutions, Sathya Technologies,

5 16593

which tpye of exceptions mostly do we face in QTP

2 4511

While scripting do we use any reference. may be we have 2 0r more same objects that time how do we write scripts

2 3670

how to select the work for complete automation and one more thing when u are going to choose automation


3 6134

what we do after completion of functional and regression testing

2 4472

what is the main use of reviews

Ordain Solutions,

2 4119

How can we automate Capthca on registration or any contest forms ? Is it possile to Automate Webpages with Falsh using QTP..?

1 3407

how do we add a new sheet to data table in QTP?

TCS, Wipro,

7 38360

How to execute the WR Script through QTP? I have WinRunner script with initialization script, common scripts, GUI AND functions. I connected WR through QTP with "call to WinRunner" option but I am getting problem after connecting to WinRunner i.e. showing "Do you want to quit now" with 'yes' and 'No' message box



1)what is the quality process in QTP? 2)how to add the .tsr file in qtp through scripting?


1 5625

Where is the Bitmap checkpoint information stored?

Ordain Solutions,


How can the name of a checkpoint be changed in Qtp

Ordain Solutions,

2 7478

How to find a window is minimized or not


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Where can I find and view run-time data table?


X flies from Hyd to bangalore using different methods of transportation. write the test scenarios and test cases for this?


What is standalone database?


What is recovery scenario manager? When you go for recovery scenario manager? Tell me one scenario were your used recovery scenario in your project?


what type of automation is follwed in the project?


What are the ways you can synchronize?


after click on compose mail how can we attached a file in qtp with vbscript code


There is an built in window application in qtp9.1,i.e.Flight4.0.i want to implement the recovery maneger on it.How can i do this?


Can the user toggle between using Local OR and shared OR for the same action?


How do you do batch testing in wr & is it possible to do in qtp, if so explain?


How to find the difference between 2 dates in qtp?


How do you perform Regreession Testing?


What are the things(properties, and other details) will be recorded while recording an object using normal recording?


What are the different types of recording modes?


can any body clearly explain about keyword driven framework .give me the explanation for files what ever you use in this frame work?