QTP Interview Questions
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Hi,The question is write a script for the following scenario. scenario:in a job portal i entered QTP 3yrs testing then click search button.then it displays results like Test lead bangalore (here is a checkbox). Test lead hyderabad check box so on... question is if test lead position in bangalore then checkbox shld be enabled automatically..

Thatavarti Technologies,

4 6982

How to retrive data from a data table which is in 3rd row,4th column and place it in main script..like retrive name,date from data table..write script for this.

Thatavarti Technologies,

11 24150

How to indentify MS-Word objects like Menubar, Toolbar, table/columns/rows/cells etc within Word document, using QTP?


Hi Everybody, Can anybody please tell me the how to display the result of the QTP in the notepad text file rather than in the QTP result window. Suppose this is my simple script:WHich will open the notepad file and enter some text and then will change the font then will calculate how much time has been taken.Now, in this script i want to display the result in notepad file. Dim s Dim starttimer,endtimer,timeit s="uyetuywqtywqte" SystemUtil.Run "notepad","","Y:\","" Window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").Type micCtrlDwn + "s" + micCtrlUp Window("Notepad").Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Set "test1" Window("Notepad").Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Type micReturn Window("Notepad_3").Type s Window("Notepad_3").WinEditor("Edit").Type micCtrlDwn + "s" + micCtrlUp starttimer=timer Window("Notepad_3").WinMenu("Menu").Select "Format;Font..." Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit ("Font:").Type "cou" + micDwn Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinComboBox ("Font:").Select "Courier" Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit ("Font:").Set "Courier" Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit("Font:").Type micReturn endtimer=timer timeit=endtimer-starttimer print(timeit) Please also tell me where the function for the text file result will be declared and where it should be called. Thanks, Gaytri

2 7136

I had created the new virtual objects for web application buttons. how to add those virtual objects into object repository. Previously i had used Gui map in winrunner for capturing virtual objects for web application. Please help me regarding this. need your answer quickly

1 5104

Please explain about unicode compatibility in QTP. how we can able to use it. Please help me

1 5281

how to capture (or) checkpoint for chineese or any other language except english using QTP in a web page. ( my application have 24 language, how to check those lanugages using QTP? is it possible). Please let me know

3 4603

How can we QTP Scripts in xml format? is there any way to do so?


2 7706

Is it possible for QTP to capture the objects in word document.If so please give me the code.Thank you.

2 6693

how will we run batch tests in qtp what is the process to run the multiple test sets?

3 10530

How is recording done when a application is over lapping the QTP application it gives a message object not recorded


Hello Everyone, In QTP we have one option Data Driver wizard that comes in Tools -> Data Driver. so, please tell me abtout the use of Add Value and Parameterize options available in Data Driver wizard. And also the concept of value, constants, Parameterized displayed in the wizard. Please explain by giving the example. Thanks in advance, Gaytri

2 6106

Java add-in is need to work on java oriented project ?

3 5977

who will distribute the project modules for testing in testing team ?

2 4276

with out using import sheet came is it possible to get the excel sheet ?

Ordain Solutions,

2 4871

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

I had installed QTP 9.2. It is working fine but whenever I open QTP, it is trying to reinstall the below-mentioned files again and again "QTP92PS82UPGRADE.exe", "recogn.dll". If anybody has these files, please provide those files in this site or you can send that files to my mail id also (lravi4u@yahoo.com). If you don't know where the files will be in the QTP, search in the QTP software CD or path of QTP program installed (C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional)




In qtp, explain what is crypt object


write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.


Can any one brief some detail on how the shared and action object repository utilized/implemented in a real time project. I already know how to make shared object repositor by saving OR as .tsr extension..I wanted the actual concept of implementation...couple of live examples will be highly appreciated. Thanks


What is the difference between the design-time and run-time data tables?


What phases are involved in testing an application in qtp?


How do you delete unwanted results in qtp?


Dear All, How to generate Pass or Fail Report in QTP without using Reporter.Report Event Method ? Thanks Balaji


what are the issues we will get when there is migration from QTP 8.2 to QTP 10.0? Is there any problem in executing scripts of 8.2 on 10.0?


Can you list some technologies that support qtp?


Explain calling sub procedure.


Shall we add Local Repository to shared object repository,if yes,how we add


How to Get the Run-time value of an object under that web app under Test to the local data table sheet of that Action?


explain abt dyanamic changing object with example?