QTP Interview Questions
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write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.


write a function to read the items from Combobox of Flight Reservation application and save in excel.

5 6039

write a script to verify links on any web page by using descriptive method by creating a description object (give a filter condition only link) ... need to verify expected like name by reading


write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.(do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object)

1 3812

write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object.. (give a filter condition only WEbelement- not easy need to use some more property while giving filter condtions- use google for your help...))


How do we connect QC by using QTP?


2 5740

How to find RAM size by using QTP?


2 7509

What contains Data Driven Framework document in qtp?


How to retrieve alpha bate from the alphanumeric string with special character.

ADP, Cap Gemini,

7 15990

can we call runaction in the funcion

1 2765

any body can you help me what is the script to automate an comand promt


difference between waitProperty & Checkproperty


4 17456

1.explain end to end process of qc,2.how many tabs are in qc9.0,qc10.0 3.what is review, how many reviews are following in aproject 4.how will you get the requirements 5.why do we choose testing 6.how to export tc's and requirements to qc through add-ins


how do you remove object repository at runtime and load object repository and verify it

Thomson Reuters,

2 9822

How to recognise the webelement and verifying that webelement is enabled?


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X flies from Hyd to bangalore using different methods of transportation. write the test scenarios and test cases for this?


hi, can u tell me the QTP TEsting process in present real time companies?(beware of this... now a days Recording is not using,, only DP) and don't tell note book answers like step 1 spep2....like this .......post answer with professional skills in simple english words) thank u


Analyzing the checpoint results?


How are actions and functions different in QTP?


what the difference between shared repository and per action repository?


How to associate shared object repository to test in qtp?


What do you mean by iteration?


Why qtp always start action1 and does not start action?


What if recovery scenarios is also failed for identify the alert ? (We are handling unexpected popup through recovery scenarios but if still recovery scenarios also failed than what should be the approach)


In keyward driven framework what will be the step for yahoo login page ,inbox logout,plz explain in detail


In QTP TEST DIRECTOR COMBINATION WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF TEST DIRECTOR? In Somebody says to store test cases and design test cases.?ok fine , but In test director 5.0 , QTp not launching. what u do?


Suppose I have three hyperlinks with same properties. How to solve this and what are the ways to solve this. we can solve this by using index property but what are the other ways we have have to solve this problem. Login (href: btnlogin.aspx) Login (href: Sourcelogin.aspx) Login (href: homelogin.aspx)


How to find the name of the machine where you are running your automation scripts in qtp?


1.Write a CRITICAL test cases for calculator ? 2.What is the difference b/w FRS and SRS documents ? 3.What is Component ? 4.What is object ? 5.what is the difference b/w static and dynamic descriptive programming ?


How do you test DLL files using automation Tool QTP?