QTP Interview Questions
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how to compare two excell sheets by using vbscript??

2 17725

what is the diff b/w assistive and mandatary rules of object repository in QTP???


what are the main differences between keyword driven frame work and data driven frame work?


1 4983

HI! I have completed my testing course in 2008. but now am working in banking sector as a data analyst and i want to move to an IT based company but am unable to understand whether i have to complete the testing course again and try for a job .

1 3127

plz tel me what is the differnce between QC & QTP?

iGate, Satyam,

3 33501

write the regular expression for date format of mm/dd/yy?


10 27134

how we connect 1. qtp9.2 to the quality center9.0? 2. Load runner8.0 to the quality center9.0


terminal services client


How do you compare the structure of 2 tables in database and check whether they are similar using qtp.


QTP 10.0 is not identifying web objects for IE 8.it is identifying like winObject.I installed HP patch QTPWEB_00037.Still getting issue

1 5504

what is the latest version of QTP? Main difference between 9.2 and 10 version


I came across Good question ..... Write a script to only download pdf's if there are 20 links on a page. Kindly reply these type of questions are pretty challenging..

Keane India Ltd,

4 16977

Can any body please tell me the steps of keyword driven framework of QTP.



Can any body please tell me the steps of keyword driven frame work in qtp. My mail is saswat445@gmail.com please send some materials on keyword driven testing in qtp. thanks a lot...


I am sathish , i want to test the Application of JIL.org ,Mobile Emulator ,by using QTP10.0. I am trying to do testing on that Application , but Child Objects are not identified by the QTP. Please can any one help me


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Explain in brief about the quicktest professional automation object model?


What is data driver in qtp? Where we use it?


What is the difference between run time object and test object in QTP?


Tell some commonly used Excel VBA functions?


For which type of projects the iterative model is not suitable?


hi i am working with vbwindow on qtp.first i am openning qtp whenever open qtp my application not open that time generated error like "Runtime error 0" and fatal error:automation error how to solve this problem pls tell me


How do you convert manual test cases to automated test cases?


requirement is for combo box your expected value is str= "Denver.Frankfurt.London.Los Angeles.Paris.Portland.San Francisco.Seattle.Sydney.Zurich" you must get the text in combo box and need to compare them how


What is Distributed testing? How does UFT support it?


In qtp, how you can get the last character from a string?


How will you report the bug and explain the defect tracking sheet you handled?


How to capture dynamic values in load runner and how Each of the captured values are to be written to a text file (c:\temp\LoadRunner1.txt)


Can any body please tell me the steps of keyword driven frame work in qtp. My mail is saswat445@gmail.com please send some materials on keyword driven testing in qtp. thanks a lot...


how to test use the quality control .how to verify the image verification


How many types of recording facility are available in quicktest professional (qtp)?