QTP Interview Questions
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what is Automation frame work and how do u used this for your project?

3 4444

i have 100 manual test cases, how to automate from no 1. ols detail steps

1 3911

Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected Properties of the object which later compares with the actual properties of the object???

4 6415

Any one please tell me how to create framework in QTP (in detail). Is there any website for reference?

1 3436

what is the present location of nageshwara rao's institute in hydrabad along with institute phone no. and name of institute.He has shifted from S.R Nagar.

3 4513

If 2 gmail browsers are opened in our system, how to enter the mail id and password into second browser by using discriptive program?


7 13649

Pls let me know how to find out creation time and index for the web application in descriptive programming?


2 7093

Hi Samrat, Thank u very much, what u said it is right.


can any one make me confirm about a real time employee with better experience in QTP who is providing QTP course individually in Bangalore???

3 4267

Hi , I am new to VBscripting, My requirment is to write a vbscript to read a row (which has coloumns like Description, Code, date(DD/MM/YY), hours etc) and export these feilds to a Website and then click on Submit Automatically on that web page. This it should do for all the Rows in that excel file. Any help is much appriciated Thanks Shalini


2 5292

what is the difference between wait and wait function

TCS, Wipro,

1 3174

What type of automation frame work you are using?and why?


2 4074

I have a tool for automation testing (eg:qtp).I have two functionality(A & B) to test.A is tested once in a year. B is tested everyday. At present i have the money and resource availability to automate only one functionality.Which one will u suggest and why?


3 7108

I have given u a application.To automate it what are the things will u consider?


4 9298

I want to install qtp software in my system, My operating system is vista . Anybody please suggest me how to get QTP software with licence key

2 4027

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How to customize qtp?


How can we conduct U-I Testing by using QTP??????


What are the different types of functions available in qtp and explain ?


Explain in brief about the qtp automation object model (aom).


write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object..


Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


in qtp if we record a object and we record the object using virtual wizard then by which way the object is recognized that means recorded


What is the difference between a Function and Procedure in QTP?


Hi Friends, How many types of Data Bases available in market... What is the diff. while using Syabase and Oracle in a Project... ? and what is the main diff. of Syabase and Oracle databases... ? Thanx in advance..


I hav installed QTP8.2, im working on webapplication, while running the script giving error msg like "QTPro.exe generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will restart the program. An error log is being created". Pls anybody what is the problem, what i have to do for this? Thanks...


I am a new tester that needs to create an automatic script involving security questions. On a webpage I need to select a security question(which are random) from a drop down menu, and then input the answer as the last word from the security question. I have the script set-up to automatically select the first security question from the drop down. The problem I am having is trying to insert the security answer. How do I insert the security answer based on the selection from the security question?


What are the views available in quicktest professional (qtp)?


hi can anybody help with an qtp 9.2 license key please. Thanks, Nitesh.


What is the quicktest professional (qtp) testing process?


Explain in brief about the quicktest professional (qtp) automation object model?