QTP Interview Questions
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What is the real use of different actions in QTP

2 4173

I am not able to record yahoomail browser.its giving error like "The browser Application can't be launched .Posssibly the URL is wrong" So anyone can tell me what setting i have to do in qtp??

1 4542

If you are using descriptive programming and you have two objects with the same name, so you are identiying them by name and index, how can you avoid errors if a third object with the same name is added at the begining of the page?

4 5739

hi can any body give me a script for creating a modularity or keyword driven framework..i am working as a qtp tester for 2 months but still i am not exposed to framework in my company



How to execute the test cases using QTP. i.e What is the use of QTP while execution

2 13099

Please help me by providing the License key for QTP 9.2, at guru_aarya@yahoo.co.in Best Regards Gururaj.B


What is the use of "Define new test object" in QTP 9.1 When should we use? Explain?

4 11461

How can we test an XML using QTP? I have been to an interview, where they have given me an XML which had 15 values and they have given those values on a separate page. They asked me to write a QTP script to check the XML is having those particular 15 values.

2 12352

can we test an windows application using qtp

1 8588

I m new to QTP? Is it necessary to know VB for learning QTP for Automation? Can I understand QTP excellently Without practical automation?

3 4637

I have java based application on my computer. Can I install QTP on it? What are system requirements for installing QTP?

3 5651

How Can I automate PDF forms using QTP9.2 ?


How can i open 5 multiple browser at once through QTP VB script

4 16948

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to connect the QC with QTP using QTP script? Thanks in advance


How can i open 5 multiple browser at once through QTP VB script and i want to login with 5 different credentials i already tried with this code but its entering credentials only for first browser and am using datatable to parameterize

2 6620

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

what kind of frame work you used in your last project?


What are advantages of test automation?


What are the types of object repositories? Which one is you using?


QTP 10.0 is not identifying web objects for IE 8.it is identifying like winObject.I installed HP patch QTPWEB_00037.Still getting issue


hi nani my doubt is how does qtp process metrix related to software process.


Can any one say what exact diff between test->parameters, action properties-> parameters. after defining the parameters in test->settings, how can we access those parameters.(i know how to use action prop parameters)


What test you perform mostly? Regression or retesting in your testing process?


What are the types of object repository?


How to explain a banking project in interview as a test engineer???


What is the use of an object spy tool in qtp?


Explain how qtp identifies object?


How did you use regular expressions in QTP and also in WR?


Give me detailed theritical explanation about keyword driven, hybrid framework, environment variables, hybrid frame work


distinguish between old version and new version QTP features.


write script for bitmap image?