WinRunner Interview Questions
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What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test mode?


3 7838

Is it possible to place a Logical name in a data table and can use that logical name in the script? Tell me with mentioning function names..?


1 4500

What is the function of eval function?


1 6365

How to get the system date and time in winrunner?


2 7559

How to set a value in to a data table from the script in winrunner?


1 4392

How do you create a new expected results in winrunner?


1 4568

How does winrunner Recognize Objects in an application?


1 4614

How does winrunner evaluates test results?

Logica CMG,

3 5774

How can you do debugging in winrunner?

Logica CMG,

2 5044

How do you run your sciripts in Win Runner?

Logica CMG,

2 4659

What are the reasons Winrunner fails to identify an object in the GUI?

Bristle Cone, Logica CMG,

3 6154

what is the diff. Between GUI_unload() and GUI_close()?

Logica CMG,

3 7197

What is the purpose of temp. GUI map file?

Logica CMG,

3 6683

Where are the expected results will be stored?

Logica CMG,

1 4739

The title of the window consists of Date and Time.Tell me the Regular Expression to recognise that window as unique?


1 3961

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Un-Answered Questions { WinRunner }

Name the three modes of running the scripts?


i would like to know the steps to write tsl exception and object exception with a simple example


What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?


Have you used winrunner in your project?


I want to do smoke test in my application but i have learnt the application before recording but im getting an error class name not found while running the script.I want to check each links and each text in my application. Can anybody answer my quesion plz.If it is possible i want test script for Yahoo login form with "New User" Login.


What is boundary test?


What is parameterizing?


How do you find an object in an gui map.


Could you anyone share me the path to download the automation tools which are having trial license version?


How do you handle dynamically changing area of the window in the bitmap checkpoints?


How to test Fonts and its size thru "Font Expert" in Win Runner.


What do you verify with the gui checkpoint for single property and what command it generates, explain syntax?


soft key for virtual object wizard ?


How do you load GUI map?


How to force wr to learn the sub-items on a menu?