Scripts_Markup Code Interview Questions
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code to sorting an array of objects


determine which key was pressed and its type

1 3544

Create a Menu that can be activated while clicking on Right Mouse button

Nest, TCS,


write a function to validate a given date

1 5186

code to display a Countdown Timer (dynamic)

2 12923

how to create a Custom Scrollbar


code to detect availability of cookies


Code to Block submission of form by pressing Enter Key



How to Add Message and Confirmation Boxes Using JavaScript?

1 7872

Code for Adding Message and Confirmation Boxes Using JavaScript?

1 5080

Create a ViewState Property?



Code for Adding Scripting Support to an Application?


Code for using a Hot Key in an ActiveX Control?


How to Connect and Insert Record to MYSQL using PHP?

6 13002

how to use textfile for taking value for parametrization instead of datatable or global sheet

3 5259

Un-Answered Questions { Scripts_Markup Code }

Can Any one suggest how we connect QTP and Mainframe and do validation from Mainfram screen


How can get all database name using Php and Sql?


How can a procedure fetch data from FTP? I need a general code for this..


Which tag is used to find the version of XML and the syntax?


Can you write a program to find the average of numbers in a list in python?


What is XML DOM?


Write a function to efficiently convert a floating point number to a rational number. For example, given 0.125 return "1/8"


how to pass data between pages using Frames


maximizing the main window


How to store the iterations value in some variable/ in excel? Dim objExcel, ObjFolder, objPath, objWorkbook, objSheet, ObjFSo, ObjFolderName, strExcelPath Const xlExcel7 = 39 ObjFolderName = "Testing" & Hour(time()) & Minute(time()) &Second(time()) objPath = "D:\" strExcelPath = objPath & ObjFolderName & "\testing.xls" Set ObjFSo = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(objPath & ObjFolderName) On Error Resume Next Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If (Err.Number <> 0) Then On Error GoTo 0 Wscript.Echo "Excel application not found." Wscript.Quit End If On Error GoTo 0 Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add() Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Dim arr1, arr2, arr3 Set outputLines = CreateObject ("System.Collections.ArrayList") arr1 = 123arr2 = 99 arr3 = 10 outputLines.Add arr1 outputLines.Add arr2 outputLines.Add arr3 outputLines.Sort() For Each outputLine in outputLines WScript.Echo outputLine ' how to store this value in excel/ variable? Next objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strExcelPath, xlExcel7 objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close objExcel.Application.Quit This above code is working fine but the qs is is there any way to store the sort data in variables / in the excel and how?


Write a python program to check if a number is a prime number?


Which framework is best in php among Smarty, Cakephp, Joomla, Drupal, Zend or Something else...? If any then Why?


Write a python program to check if a number is an armstrong number?


Write a function that takes as input a binary tree, and prints out each level of the tree on a newline. For example: a / b c / / d e f will output: a b c d e f


determine which Element received an Event