Programming Code Interview Questions
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Write a c program to search an element in an array using recursion


1 8979

#include #include void main() { int a=(1,2,3,(1,2,3,4); switch(a) { printf("ans:"); case 1: printf("1");break; case 2: printf("2");break; case 3: printf("1");break; case 4: printf("4");break; printf("end"); } getch(); }


abcdedcba abc cba ab ba a a

2 7789

write a c program to Create a mail account by taking the username, password, confirm password, secret_question, secret_answer and phone number. Allow users to register, login and reset password(based on secret question). Display the user accounts and their details .

2 18386

write a c program to Reverse a given string using string function and also without string function

1 3591

write a c program to Create employee record by taking details like name, employee id, address and phone number. While taking the phone number, take either landline or mobile number. Ensure that the phone numbers of the employee are unique. Also display all the details


2 19321

write a c program to Create a registration form application by taking the details like username, address, phone number, email along with password and confirm password (should be same as password).Ensure that the password is of 8 characters with only numbers and alphabets. Take such details for 5 users and display the details. In place of password display “****”. (Use Structures).

CDAC, College School Exams Tests,


Write a program that reads a dynamic array of 40 integers and displays only even integers

2 4470

main(){int a=5,b 10,c=2, d;a=b c;d=++a=(--c)*2; printf("%d%d%d%d,a,b,c,d; return o;}

1 3844

IS Array list is generic or non generic

1 3622

void main() { int x,y=2,z; z=(z*=2)+(x=y=z); printf("%d",z); }

4 7401

write a program that reads a series of strings and prints only those strings begging with letter "b"


Write a Program that Inputs 10 Numbers in an Array and Show the Maximum Number

Ace Info,

2 4052

Write a C program that defines a 2-dimentional integer array called A [50][50]. Then the elements of this array should randomly be initialized either to 1 or 0. The program should then print out all the elements in the diagonal (i.e. a[0][0], a[1][1],a[2][2], a[3][3], ……..a[49][49]). Finally, print out how many zeros and ones in the diagonal.

2 5640

develop a program to calculate and print body mass index for 200 employees

Jomo Kenyatta University,


Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

How to add a value from textBox over an existing certain column in SQL Server


c# code to Count number of 1's in a given range of integer (0 to n)


Give the code for Handling Mouse Events?


plz send code for manage group of hotels in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


Dear sirs, Hi, I would like to inform you that I want to perform a project using MLP neural network to recognize binary images containing three types of geometric shapes such as squares,rectangels and circles. Furthermore,each image includes only one geometric type. The output of network would be: '1' if the network detects square shape. '2' if the network detects rectangle shape. '3' if the network detects circle shape. '4' if none of these shapes detected. Would you please send me a matlab source code for this project? Your prompt reply would be so appreciated. regards,


Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n. The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index. Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue. The following class was given: class PriorityQueue { int *Data[100]; int top; public: void put(int item, int priority); // inserts the item with the given priority. int get(int priority); // extract the element with the given priority. int count(); // returns the total elements in the priority queue. int isEmpty(); // check whether the priority queue is empty or not. }; We had to implement all these class functions.


Write a Program to truncate a given floating point value (e.g.16.25=16).


I need your help, i need a Turbo C code for this problem.. hope u'll help me guys.? Your program will have a 3x3 array. The user will input the sum of each row and each column. Then the user will input 3 values and store them anywhere, or any location or index, temporarily in the array. Your program will supply the remaining six (6) values and determine the exact location of each value in the array. Example: Input: Sum of row 1: 6 Sum of row 2: 15 Sum of row 3: 24 Sum of column 1: 12 Sum of column 2: 15 Sum of column 3: 18 Value 1: 3 Value 2: 5 Value 3: 6 Output: Sum of Row 1 2 3 6 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 24 Sum of Column 12 15 18 Note: Your program will not necessary sort the walues in the array Thanks..


Coding for .NET Delegates?


plz send code for Ecorps in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


What is the functionality of GetWindowText?


i really need help about this.. write a program to display the set of odd and even numbers separately. find the highest and lowest value of the given numbers.


Write a program that print in screen a tree with its height taken from user by entering number of 4 digits and find the odd numbers then calculate the sum of odd numbers so he get the height of tree?


Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..


How can I create connection two blue-tooth mobile in j2me. please urgent