Programming Code Interview Questions
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is public static void main() work in java?is "String arg[]" needed as argument?

Tech Mahindra,

4 6321

‎#define good bad main() { int good=1; int bad=0; printf ("good is:%d",good); }

2 4201

what is software testing


1 3724

Write a program to check whether the number is prime and also check if it there i n fibonacci series, then return true otherwise return false

Cognizant, lenovo,

1 4814

using friend function find the maximum number from given two numbers from two different classes.write all necessary functions and constructor for the classes.


1 17110

write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye: change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray); value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where the value is stored??



There is a lucky draw held every day. if there is a winning number eg 1876,then all possible numbers like 1867,1687,1768 etc are the numbers that match irrespective of the position of the digit. Thus all these numbers qualify fr the lucky draw prize Assume there is no zero digit in any numbers. write a program to show all the possible winning numbers if a "winning number"is passed as an arguments to the function.


1 7219

how to concatenate the two strings

1 3318

Can we change the validator-rules.xml for our own validations in struts??



#include int main() { int a=3,post,pre; post= a++ * a++ * a++; a=3; pre= ++a * ++a * ++a; printf("post=%d pre=%d",post,pre); return 0; }

3 5633

Write a (n) algorithm that sorts n distinct integers, ranging in size between 1 and kn inclusive, where k is a constant positive integer. (Hint: Use a kn-element array.)


PROBLEM #8 The cashier at the counter of a Super Store, Mr. Khazaanchi has the following bundles of rupee cash notes with him: Rs. 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 A customer comes at his counter with various items that he has shopped. Mr. Khazaanchi totals the item prices and tells the customer his total amount payable. The customer gives Mr. Khazanchi some amount of cash. Find the total number of rupee notes of each denomination (i.e. 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000) Mr. Khazaanchi will have to give to the withdrawer ensuring that the total number of rupee notes are minimum.


1 5780

what will be the output of this program? void main() { int a[]={5,10,15}; int i=0,num; num=a[++i] + ++i +(++i); printf("%d",num); }


3 5282

void main() { int c; c=printf("Hello world"); printf("\n%d",c); }

2 4704

x=2 y=3 z=2 x++ + y++; printf("%d%d" x,y);

2 5437

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

write a program for area of circumference of shapes


find level of following tree (state, parent) " J,D I,D H,C E,B F,B G,C B,A D,A C,A A,& K,E L,E L,F M,F N,G O,H P,I P,H Q,I R,J S,K U,P T,L


How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


c# code to Count number of 1's in a given range of integer (0 to n)


Can we run Applet in Web browser with security policy files


write a program to perform generic sort in arrays?


A game that has five levels of play has the score for each level stored in an array. You are to write a program that goes through that array and finds: a) the minimum score, and the level at which it occurred b) the maximum score, and the level at which it occurred c)the average score for all five levels The score data you must use for this program are as follows: Game Level Score 1 450 2 316 3 148 Stack implementations is mandatory.


How to Bind Nested XML to a Repeater Control with Container.DataItem?


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.MenuItem.*; import java.sql.*; import sun.jdbc.odbc.*; import*; public class ShopDelivery extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13; Button exit,save,next,top,prev,botm,ad,show; TextField txtCMemoNo,txtConsNo,txtCMemoDt,txtConsName,txtAddr1,txtPhNo ,txtBookDtold,txtPrintDt,txtOldCMemNo,txtOldDlryDt,adr2,adr3 ,tot,stnry,rmrk; String ConsName; String Addr1; public static void main(String sr[]) { new ShopDelivery().setVisible(true); } public ShopDelivery() { super("Shop Delivery"); Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; //PreparedStatement pst; Connection con; try { Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); if (con!=null); System.out.println ("connected"); stmt =con.createStatement (); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println (e1); } setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.CYAN); setLayout(null); l1=new Label("Cashmemo No"); l1.setBounds(260,60,90,30); l1.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l1); l2=new Label("CONSMR NO"); l2.setBounds(30,60,90,30); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l2); l3=new Label("Book DATE"); l3.setBounds(520,60,90,30); l3.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l3.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l3); l4=new Label("NAME"); l4.setBounds(30,150,45,30); l4.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l4.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l4); l5=new Label("ADRS"); l5.setBounds(30,220,45,30); l5.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l5.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l5); l6=new Label("PH NO"); l6.setBounds(500,150,45,30); l6.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l6.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l6); l7=new Label("OldBkDt"); l7.setBounds(30,390,55,30); l7.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l7.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l7); l8=new Label("Print Date"); l8.setBounds(320,390,65,30); l8.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l8.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l8); l9=new Label("CMemo No"); l9.setBounds(700,390,65,30); l9.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l9.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l9); l10=new Label("Del Date"); l10.setBounds(550,390,55,30); l10.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l10.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l10); l13=new Label("REMARKS"); l13.setBounds (30,630,85,30); l13.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l13.setAlignment (Label.CENTER); add(l13); txtCMemoNo=new TextField(); txtCMemoNo.setBounds(375,60,80,30); txtCMemoNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoNo); txtConsNo=new TextField(); txtConsNo.setBounds(130,60,80,30); txtConsNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsNo); txtCMemoDt=new TextField(); txtCMemoDt.setBounds(635,60,80,30); txtCMemoDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCMemoDt); txtConsName=new TextField(); txtConsName.setBounds(100,150,200,30); txtConsName.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsName); txtAddr1=new TextField(); txtAddr1.setBounds(100,220,350,30); txtAddr1.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtAddr1); adr2=new TextField(); adr2.setBounds(100,250,350,30); adr2.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr2); adr3=new TextField(); adr3.setBounds(100,280,350,30); adr3.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr3); txtPhNo=new TextField(); txtPhNo.setBounds(570,150,150,30); txtPhNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPhNo); txtBookDtold=new TextField(); txtBookDtold.setBounds(30,440,60,30); txtBookDtold.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtBookDtold); txtPrintDt=new TextField(); txtPrintDt.setBounds(320,440,60,30); txtPrintDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPrintDt); txtOldCMemNo=new TextField(); txtOldCMemNo.setBounds(700,440,60,30); txtOldCMemNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldCMemNo); txtOldDlryDt=new TextField(); txtOldDlryDt.setBounds(550,440,60,30); txtOldDlryDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtOldDlryDt); rmrk=new TextField(); rmrk.setBounds(140,630,600,30); rmrk.setBackground(Color.white); add(rmrk); exit=new Button("EXIT"); exit.setBackground(; exit.setBounds(760,700,40,40); exit.addActionListener(this); add(exit); save=new Button("SAVE"); save.setBackground(; save.setBounds(715,700,40,40); save.addActionListener(this); add(save); next=new Button("NEXT"); next.setBackground(; next.setBounds(90,700,40,40); next.addActionListener(this); add(next); top=new Button("TOP"); top.setBackground(; top.setBounds(0,700,40,40); top.addActionListener(this); add(top); prev=new Button("PREV"); prev.setBackground(; prev.setBounds(45,700,40,40); prev.addActionListener(this); add(prev); botm=new Button("BOTM"); botm.setBackground (; botm.setBounds (135,700,40,40); botm.addActionListener (this); add(botm); ad=new Button("ADD"); ad.setBackground (; ad.setBounds (300,700,40,40); ad.addActionListener (this); add(ad); show=new Button("SHOW"); show.setBackground (; show.setBounds (345,700,40,40); show.addActionListener (this); add(show); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==exit) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } /*if(e.getSource()==save) { try { Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); PreparedStatement pst=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO NewCon values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setInt (1,Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText())); pst.setInt (2,Integer.parseInt(txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setString (3,txtCMemoDt.getText()); pst.setString (4,txtConsName.getText()); pst.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt (txtPhNo.getText())); pst.setString(6,txtAddr1.getText()); pst.setString(7,adr2.getText()); pst.setString(8,adr3.getText()); pst.setInt(9,Integer.parseInt (txtBookDtold.getText())); pst.setInt(10,Integer.parseInt (txtPrintDt.getText())); pst.setInt(11,Integer.parseInt (txtOldDlryDt.getText())); pst.setInt(12,Integer.parseInt (txtCMemoNo.getText())); pst.setInt(13,Integer.parseInt (tot.getText())); pst.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt (stnry.getText())); pst.setString(15,rmrk.getText()); pst.executeUpdate (); con.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {System.out.println(e2);} //cs(txtConsName.getText (),txtAddr1.getText()); }*/ if(e.getSource()==ad) { try { txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtCMemoDt.setText(""); txtConsName.setText(""); txtAddr1.setText(""); txtPhNo.setText(""); txtBookDtold.setText(""); txtPrintDt.setText(""); //txtCMemoNo.setText(""); txtOldDlryDt.setText(""); adr2.setText(""); adr3.setText(""); tot.setText(""); //stnry.setText(""); //rmrk.setText(""); Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt1=con1.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT Max(Cons_No) FROM NewCon"); int nextcono = rs1.getInt ("Cons_No"); System.out.println (nextcono); nextcono=nextcono+1; txtConsNo.setText ("nextcono"); con1.close(); } catch(Exception e4){} } } }


what are the other loops except for for,while,do while and until?


How to check if Folder is a Special Shell Folder ?


exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJs pException( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServ javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.j ava:717) root cause java.lang.NullPointerException org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.retrieveMessageRes ources( org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.message(TagUtils.j ava:1038) org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.MessageTag.doStartTag( org.apache.jsp.register_jsp._jspx_meth_bean_005fmess age_005f0( org.apache.jsp.register_jsp._jspService(register_jsp .java:94) org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJs javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.j ava:717) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServ javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.j ava:717)


program for straight line(y=mx+c)


plz send code for manage group of hotels in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


How we use ajax in through javaScript. Please givee me an example.