Code Snippets Interview Questions
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solve the problem in the programming language C++"if a five digit number is input through the keyboard.Write a program to calculate the sum of its digits(hint: use the modulus operator)


write a c program which takes 20 numbers in an array as input from user and rearrange them in two different array defining even or odd


code inside filter to restrict users to access a servlet component .


1 3497

does anyone know the code to display a triangle using a applet?

1 3757

which function is used to clear the buffer stream on gcc? for example: I wrote following code on gcc #include int main(void) { char ch; int a,b; printf("\nenter two numbers:\t"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("enter number is %d and %d",a,b); printf("\nentercharacter:\t"); scanf("%c",&ch); printf("enter character is %c",ch); return 0; } in above progarm ch could not be scan. why?plz tell me solution.

2 5393

what is oop?

3 5295

How to Check if a string is alphanumeric or not using VB Script

1 7027

Using C# Write a program that performs the following. The user inputs a number and then enters a series of numbers from 1 to that number. Your program should determine which number (or numbers) is missing or duplicated in the series, if any. For example, if the user entered 5 as the initial number and then entered the following sequences, the results should be as shown. Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Nothing bad However, if 7 were the high number, the user would see the results on the right for the following number entries: Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 3 2 4 5 Missing 6 Missing 7 And if 10 were the high number and the user entered the numbers shown on the left, note the list of missing and duplicate numbers: Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 2 4 7 4 4 5 10 8 2 6 Duplicate 2 ( 2 times) Missing 3 Duplicate 4 ( 3 times ) Missing 9 The program should check the high number that the user inputs to ensure that it does not exceed the size of any array you might be using for storage.


How to add a value from textBox over an existing certain column in SQL Server


respected sir, i did my MCA in 2013 when i am going to attend to an interview i was asked about my project how will i explain my project could please help me in this and my project title is "Social Networking Site For Social Responsibility"

Genpact, Ozdocs,

1 4353

write a program using 2 D that searches a number and display the number of items 12 inputs values input 15,20, 13, 30, 38, 40,16, 18, 20 ,18 ,20 enter no. to search : 20


how to write test case for a text field that should be mandatory


1 4250

Write a simple encryption program using string function which apply the substitution method.


¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10,j; ¦ j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d",j); ¦getch(); ¦} ¦ output:-30 but in same question if we write as- ¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10; ¦ int j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d",j); ¦getch(); ¦} ¦ output:-33 why output is changed from 30 to 33. Can any body answer...

3 7827

Hey, any expert here can help me to creat php code. I want php code to calculate like below. input :12 April 1974 then perform this calculation: 12 + 4 + 1974 = 1990 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 19 1 + 9 = 10 1 + 0 = 1(final answer) this code i just want to used to share the personality from date of birth. The input come from user, base on user input, then php will calculate like above, and, the final answer will use do display the person attitude. example, final answer = 1, display patient person final answer = 2, will display hard working person


Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

How to access oralce10g data from server to client in LAN?


how to pass data between pages using Cookies


How to update and insert from datagridview at run time in excel database?


How to get Filename from Path?


What is well formed XML document?


i have a gird with columns all are coming from database,this will bind in item templete in gridview as textboxex.and i have button below named Update.i want to update all the records in the grid,but if user change the value of one textbox,what is the easy way 2 do this


how to write a program that opens a file and display in reverse order?


Hello I am hosting remoting within IIS. Everything works just fine as long as I allow anonymous access at the IIS level. When I allow only Windows Authenticated sessions, something very strange happens: If the client activates the remote object with IP address - works fine If the client activates it using a machine name - get http 401 exception is thrown. The exception is thrown when the client calls the remote method. I set the channel's useDefaultCredentials property to true. Any idea how to allow Windows Authentication? Here is the call stack: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized .. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The target principal name is incorrect at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(Byte[] incomingBlob, Boolean handshakeComplete) at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(String incomingBlob, Boolean handshakeComplete) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.DoAuthenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate) at System.Net.NegotiateClient.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest webRequest, ICredentials credentials) at System.Net.AuthenticationManager.Authenticate(String challenge, WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials) at System.Net.AuthenticationState.AttemptAuthenticate (HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest, ICredentials authInfo) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---


1.Why does only one copy of a servlet object get created? What happens if you want to remove an old servlet object currently running but do not want to stop the entire servlet engine? 2.How does one servlet object deal with interactions from many browser? (e.g. if your servlet ran an email site, how can it keep track of hundreds of users logging in, reading their mail, etc.)


design a class car having variables model, yr_of_manufacture, owner,reg_no. Design methods for assigning the values, Printing the values( you decide gui,control, any other methods if require)


plzzzzzzzzz xplain this code import java.awt.*; import java.util.Date; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.MenuItem.*; import java.sql.*; import sun.jdbc.odbc.*; import*; public class NewConnection extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13; Button exit,save,bnext,top,prev,botm,ad,edit; TextField txtSvNo,txtConsNo,txtSvDt,txtConsName,txtAddr1,txtPhNo,txtCy lQty,txtCylDep,txtRegDep,txtRegQty,adr2,adr3,tot,stnry,rmrk; Date date=new Date(); String ConsName; String Addr1; public static void main(String sr[]) { new NewConnection().setVisible(true); } public NewConnection() { super("New Connection"); Statement stmt; ResultSet rs; //PreparedStatement pst; Connection con; try { Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); if (con!=null); System.out.println ("connected"); stmt =con.createStatement (); } catch(Exception e1) { System.out.println (e1); } setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.lightGray); setLayout(null); l1=new Label("SV NO"); l1.setBounds(260,60,90,30); l1.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l1); l2=new Label("CONSMR NO"); l2.setBounds(30,60,90,30); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l2); l3=new Label("SV DATE"); l3.setBounds(520,60,90,30); l3.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l3.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l3); l4=new Label("NAME"); l4.setBounds(30,150,45,30); l4.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l4.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l4); l5=new Label("ADRS"); l5.setBounds(30,220,45,30); l5.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l5.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l5); l6=new Label("PH NO"); l6.setBounds(500,150,45,30); l6.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l6.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l6); l7=new Label("CYLDR"); l7.setBounds(30,390,55,30); l7.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l7.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l7); l8=new Label("DEPOSIT"); l8.setBounds(320,390,65,30); l8.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l8.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l8); l9=new Label("DEPOSIT"); l9.setBounds(320,440,65,30); l9.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l9.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l9); l10=new Label("RGLTR"); l10.setBounds(30,440,55,30); l10.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l10.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l10); l11=new Label("TOTAL"); l11.setBounds(320,480,55,30); l11.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l11.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l11); l12=new Label("Cur.Statn.NO."); l12.setBounds(290,550,85,30); l12.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l12.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); add(l12); l13=new Label("REMARKS"); l13.setBounds (30,630,85,30); l13.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,15)); l13.setAlignment (Label.CENTER); add(l13); txtSvNo=new TextField(); txtSvNo.setBounds(375,60,80,30); txtSvNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtSvNo); txtConsNo=new TextField(); txtConsNo.setBounds(130,60,80,30); txtConsNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsNo); txtSvDt=new TextField(); txtSvDt.setBounds(635,60,80,30); txtSvDt.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtSvDt); txtConsName=new TextField(); txtConsName.setBounds(100,150,200,30); txtConsName.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtConsName); txtAddr1=new TextField(); txtAddr1.setBounds(100,220,350,30); txtAddr1.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtAddr1); adr2=new TextField(); adr2.setBounds(100,250,350,30); adr2.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr2); adr3=new TextField(); adr3.setBounds(100,280,350,30); adr3.setBackground(Color.white); add(adr3); txtPhNo=new TextField(); txtPhNo.setBounds(570,150,150,30); txtPhNo.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtPhNo); txtCylQty=new TextField(); txtCylQty.setBounds(100,390,60,30); txtCylQty.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCylQty); txtCylDep=new TextField(); txtCylDep.setBounds(410,390,60,30); txtCylDep.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtCylDep); txtRegDep=new TextField(); txtRegDep.setBounds(410,440,60,30); txtRegDep.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtRegDep); txtRegQty=new TextField(); txtRegQty.setBounds(100,440,60,30); txtRegQty.setBackground(Color.white); add(txtRegQty); tot=new TextField(); tot.setBounds(410,490,60,30); tot.setBackground(Color.white); add(tot); stnry=new TextField(); stnry.setBounds(410,550,60,30); stnry.setBackground(Color.white); add(stnry); rmrk=new TextField(); rmrk.setBounds(140,630,600,30); rmrk.setBackground(Color.white); add(rmrk); exit=new Button("EXIT"); exit.setBackground(; exit.setBounds(760,700,40,40); exit.addActionListener(this); add(exit); save=new Button("SAVE"); save.setBackground(; save.setBounds(715,700,40,40); save.addActionListener(this); add(save); bnext=new Button("NEXT"); bnext.setBackground(; bnext.setBounds(90,700,40,40); bnext.addActionListener(this); add(bnext); top=new Button("TOP"); top.setBackground(; top.setBounds(0,700,40,40); top.addActionListener(this); add(top); prev=new Button("PREV"); prev.setBackground(; prev.setBounds(45,700,40,40); prev.addActionListener(this); add(prev); botm=new Button("BOTM"); botm.setBackground (; botm.setBounds (135,700,40,40); botm.addActionListener (this); add(botm); ad=new Button("ADD"); ad.setBackground (; ad.setBounds (300,700,40,40); ad.addActionListener (this); add(ad); edit=new Button("EDIT"); edit.setBackground (; edit.setBounds (345,700,40,40); edit.addActionListener (this); add(edit); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==exit) { this.dispose(); System.exit(0); } if(e.getSource()==save) { try { Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); PreparedStatement pst=con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO NewCon values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); pst.setInt (1,Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText())); pst.setInt (2,Integer.parseInt(txtSvNo.getText())); pst.setString (3,txtSvDt.getText()); pst.setString (4,txtConsName.getText()); pst.setInt(5,Integer.parseInt (txtPhNo.getText())); pst.setString(6,txtAddr1.getText()); pst.setString(7,adr2.getText()); pst.setString(8,adr3.getText()); pst.setInt(9,Integer.parseInt (txtCylQty.getText())); pst.setInt(10,Integer.parseInt (txtCylDep.getText())); pst.setInt(11,Integer.parseInt (txtRegQty.getText())); pst.setInt(12,Integer.parseInt (txtRegDep.getText())); pst.setInt(13,Integer.parseInt (tot.getText())); pst.setInt(14,Integer.parseInt (stnry.getText())); pst.setString(15,rmrk.getText()); pst.executeUpdate (); con.close(); } catch(Exception e2) {System.out.println(e2);} } if(e.getSource()==ad) { int newcono=60000,newsvno=10000; System.out.println("entered if body"); try { System.out.println("entered the try:"); Connection con1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt1=con1.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1=stmt1.executeQuery("SELECT Cons_No,Sv_No FROM NewCon "); while( { //System.out.println(rs1.getInt("Cons_No")); txtConsNo.setText(""+rs1.getInt(1)); txtSvNo.setText(""+rs1.getInt(2)); //newcono=rs1.getInt("Cons_No"); } //rs1.last(); newcono=Integer.parseInt(txtConsNo.getText ()); newsvno=Integer.parseInt(txtSvNo.getText ()); //newcono=rs1.getInt("Cons_No"); System.out.println(newcono); newcono=newcono+1; newsvno=newsvno+1; txtConsNo.setText (""+newcono); txtSvNo.setText(""+newsvno); txtSvDt.setText(""+ date); txtConsName.setText(""); txtAddr1.setText(""); txtPhNo.setText(""); txtCylQty.setText(""); txtCylDep.setText(""); txtRegDep.setText(""); txtRegQty.setText(""); adr2.setText(""); adr3.setText(""); tot.setText(""); stnry.setText(""); rmrk.setText(""); con1.close(); } catch(Exception e4){System.out.println (e4);} } if(e.getSource()==bnext) { try{ Connection con2=DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:Agency"); Statement stmt2=con2.createStatement (); ResultSet rs2=stmt2.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM NewCon ");; { txtConsNo.setText(rs2.getInt(1)+""); txtSvNo.setText (rs2.getInt(2)+""); txtSvDt.setText (rs2.getString(3)+""); txtConsName.setText (rs2.getString(4)+""); txtPhNo.setText (rs2.getInt(5)+""); txtAddr1.setText(rs2.getString(6)+""); adr2.setText (rs2.getString("Address2")+""); adr3.setText (rs2.getString("Address3")+""); txtCylQty.setText (rs2.getInt(9)+""); txtCylDep.setText (rs2.getInt(10)+""); txtRegDep.setText (rs2.getInt(11)+""); txtRegQty.setText (rs2.getInt(12)+""); tot.setText(rs2.getInt (13)+""); stnry.setText(rs2.getInt(14) +""); rmrk.setText(rs2.getString (15)+""); } } catch(Exception e5){} } } }


Write a function which accepts list of nouns as input parameter and return the same list in the plural form. Conditions: i) if last letter is r then append s ii) if word ends with y then replace it by ies iii) call this function in main() and produce the required output. for eg:- if chair is input it should give chairs as output.


how to test pierrot divisor


how to take time as input in the format (12:02:13) from user so that controls remains between these columns?


Write a Program to find the reverse of a given number.