Dot Net General Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the fundamental objects in ADO.NET?

1 669

What is the difference between a Hash Table and a Dictionary?

1 577

Garbage collector thread is what kind of a thread?

1 625

State the methods used during deserialization and serialization process.

2 666

Explain the two different types of typecasting?

1 646

Give an example program for Getter /read-only methods in JAVA

1 649

Give an example for setter/ write-only methods

1 620

Explain the use of ‘this’ keyword in Java?

1 654

Explain role-based security in .Net.

2 926

What is meant by .Net framework?

1 713

What are the Characteristics of .NET?

1 641

How does the .NET framework work?

1 650

Explain about major components of the .NET framework.

1 616

What is an EXE?

1 531

What is a DLL?

1 897

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Un-Answered Questions { Dot Net General }

Please explain what are an inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation?


Why do we use the “using” statement?


Will my .net app run on 64-bit windows?


Which file is taken by compiler when we have both file Application and Server Configuration file?


Define marshling?


What is SOAP? How you will do windows and forms authentication?


What is dot net and its uses?


What is an assembly? What are the different types of assemblies?


What is the use of immutability?


What is meant by globalization?


Please explain what garbage collection is and how it works. Provide a code example of how you can enforce garbage collection in .net?


what user controls are and what server controls are and the differences between the two.


What makes .net core cross platform?


Which dll is required to translate xml to sql in internet information server (iis)?


How to spawn a thread?