ASP.NET Interview Questions
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After capturing the SelectIndexChanged event for a ListBox Control, you find that the event handler doesn?t execute. What could be the problem be? a) The AutoEventWireup attribute is set to False b) The AutomaticPostBack attribute is set to False c) The codebehind module is not properly compiled d) The ListBox must be defined WithEvents.

Syntax Softtech,

2 7190

What is the result when the Web Form containing the following line is complied and executed? a) The button control is created; theEvent is the click event handler. b) Compiler error; the control must be set to runat=?server?. c) Compiler error; onClick is not a valid attribute. d) Runtime Exception; the control must be set to runat=?server?.

Syntax Softtech,

3 5151

After building the custom control, you test it by adding an ASP.Net web application to the solution. You add a correct <%@ Register %> directive and a proper declaration of the control in the tag to the Web Form, but when you execute the application you get an error. What is the most likely reason for the problem? a) The custom control must be compiled first. b) The web application must have a reference to the control c) The custom control must be registered with windows first. d) The assembly from the custom control is not in the application?s bin directory.

Syntax Softtech,

1 5289

What method must be overridden in a custom control? a) The Paint() method b) The Control_Build() method c) The Render() method d) The default constructor

Icertis, Microsoft, Syntax Softtech,

1 20466

How do you enable tracing? a) Set the Trace property of the Web Form to True b) Set the Trace property of the server object to True c) Set the Session variables Trace to True d) Set the Applications Variable Trace to True.

Syntax Softtech,

2 4761

What does the following SQL statement return, assuming that all tables and column names are correct? SELECT FirstName, StreetAddress FROM Employees JOIN AddressBook ON Employees.EmpID = AddressBook.EmpID a) Nothing, the JOIN syntax is wrong. b) All the records form the Employees table, and only the matching ones form the StreetAddress table. c) All the records from the StreetAddress table and only the matching records form the Employees table. d) Only the matching records from the two tables.

Syntax Softtech,

4 7771

What is a transaction? a) A banking term. b) A concept used to describe a step in the business process. c) A combination of DML steps that must succeed or the data is retuned to its initial state. d) A combination of DDL steps that must succeed or the data is retuned to its initial state.

Syntax Softtech,

5 7173

What object is used to encapsulate a rowset? a) DataSet b) DataAdapter c) DataRowSet d) DataTable

Syntax Softtech,

2 5785

What property is used on the datatable to indicate a conflict after an update? a) HasConflict b) HasError c) HasCollision d) HasDataError

Syntax Softtech,

1 10814

When would you not use the oleDbConnection object? a) To connect to an SQL 7.0 database. b) To connect to a DB/2 database. c) To connect to an Access database. d) To connect to an SQL 6.5 database.

Syntax Softtech,

6 7924

On what object is the transaction in ADO.NET focused on? a) The command object b) The DataSet object c) The Connection object d) The DataAdapter object

Syntax Softtech,

4 5803

What combination of methods are used to improve the speed of the fill() method of the DataAdapter? a) BeginFillData() and EndFillData() b) StartFillData() and EndFillData() c) BeginLoadData() and EndLoadData() d) StartLoadData() and EndLoadData()

Syntax Softtech, winfoware,

2 4801

You need to be able to retrieve data from DataSet object that has four DataTable objects. There are currently UniqueConstraint and ForeignKeyConstraint Object on the DataTable objects to enforce the data rules. You find that you can retrieve the data from the individual DataTable objects, but you are not able to retrieve the data from the combination of DataTable objects in a Parent/Child manner. What should you do to able to retrieve the data in a Parent/Child manner? a) Set the EnforceParentChild parameter of the DataSet to True. b) Set the EnforceRelation parameter of the Relations collection to True. c) Add DataRelation objects to the Relations Collection to make the DataSet present the data in Parent/Child manner. d) Add a primary key and a foreign key to each of the DataTable objects that should present the data in a Parent/Child manner.

Syntax Softtech,

1 2927

You need to retrieve data from a Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Currently you are using an oleDbConnection object to connect to the database server. You need to be able to retrieve the data from the database server in XML format. Which approach would be the most efficient? Select all that apply. Each answer constitutes part of the whole answer. a) Change to the SQL .NET provider. b) Use the ExecuteXmlReader() method of the xxxCommand object c) Use the DOM to create the XML document. d) Use the XmlDocument.Load() method to create the XML Document.

Syntax Softtech,

1 3786

You are using the try? catch block seen in the following code segment, but no exceptions are ever caught by the catch block. What is the problem? SqlConnection cn =new sqlConnection(strSQL); SqlDataSet ds; try {; //perform the data processing steps ??.. } catch (OleDbException e) { ?.. } a) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlErrors. b) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlSyntaxExceptios. c) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlExceptions. d) The exception class is wrong; it should be sqlExcptions.

Microsoft, Syntax Softtech,

2 5494

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