AI Languages Interview Questions
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Which forms can be constructed with the same primitives that manipulate lisp expressions? a) Lisp b) Macro c) Procedure d) Defun

1 1411

Which exploit the fact that lisp forms are just expressions meant to be evaluated? a) List b) Procedure c) Macro d) None of the mentioned

1 1793

Pick out the correct statement about macro. a) Macro is dependant. b) Macro is interoperable c) Macro is complex d) Macro deserve their own file

1 1508

 What is the output of the given statement? * (setf pressure -3) * (when-plusp pressure (print ‘alarm)); a) T b) Nil c) Alarm d) None of the mentioned

1 1568

 What is the output of the given statement? * (setf pressure 3) * (when-plusp pressure (print ‘alarm)); a) Alarm b) Alarm Alarm c) 1 d) Nil

1 2089

 What is the output of the given statement? * (defun when-plusp-with-bug (number result); (when (plusp number) result)); * (setf pressure -2) * (when-plusp-with-bug pressure (print ‘alarm)) a) Alarm b) Nil c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned

1 1405

Which is used to represent the prompt in lisp? a) # b) $ c) & d) *

1 3769

 Which notation facilitates uniformity in lisp? a) Prefix b) Postfix c) Infix d) None of the mentioned

1 3058

 Which is a procedures supplied by user in terms of primitives? a) Custom b) User-defined c) Definite d) All of the mentioned

1 1603

 What is the process of reserving a place in computer memory to store a value for a symbol? a) Storing b) Ranging c) Binding d) None of the mentioned

1 2620

What is the general pattern that shows how the various parts of an expression fit together? a) Template b) Pattern c) Match d) Both a & b

2 1906

 What is the output of the following statement? * (+ 3.14 2.71) a) 3.14 b) 2.71 c) 5.84 d) 5.85

1 1931

 What is the output of the following statement? * (first ‘( p h w)) a) P b) H c) W d) phw

1 1775

 What is the output of the following statement? * ( first (rest (first ‘((a b) (c d))))) a) a b) b c) c d) d

1 1682

 What is the output of the following statement? * ‘(first (first (rest (rest ((a b) (c d) (e f)))))) a) a b) b c) ab d) (FIRST (FIRST (REST (REST ((A B) (C D) (E F))))))

1 1573

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What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) * (defclass computer-article (article) ()) * (defclass business-article (article) ()) * (defclass political-article (article) ()) * (setf articles (list (make-instance ‘business-article :title “Memory Prices down”))) a) Business article b) Political article c) Business article


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