C Sharp Interview Questions
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What is internal and protected-internal accessspecifier in c#.net?

1 2804

what is accessspecifier and explation each with example?

3 3756

what is the purpose of new keyword while creating an object?

3 7004

What is the difference between ref & out parameters?

2 3808

What are Custom Control and User Control?

1 3420

what is used ref keyword in c#,and how we used it?

2 4516

Integer at long type variable are not object.Support your answer with example.And explain the technique to convert from value type to reference type and vice-versa.


1 3673

difference between managed code and unmanaged code ?

3 5649

write program in c# using this instructions name avinash varma ,work experiance<2,nochildren his work experiance is higher than 5 years,more than one children one children name is diwakar,number of years of work eperiance at current company is the ratio of children and work experiance is 0.21 to 0.5


if we are updating a database using thread, and mean while application crashes or thread being aborted then what will happen in Database? Rollback or Database will be updated? Please explain with different scenario.


Assignment # 1 Print the pattern given below using single printf statement XX XX XX XX XX XX X X X X XX XX XX XX XX XX Assignment # 2 Print the pattern given below using single printf statement (please do NOT use the string function below) 0 909 89098 7890987 678909876 56789098765 4567890987654 345678909876543 23456789098765432 1234567890987654321


3 6556

write code for inserting and updating recoards in sql server database using connected architecture & records shoulds displayed in grid view ( use c# )


FOR EXAMPLE : CLASS Dotnet { } creating object: Dotnet dn=new Dotnet(); NOW THE QUESTION IS WHICH IS CALLED AS OBJECT ?EITHER dn OR new Dotnet() and CAN YOU PROVE YOUR ANSWER?????PLEASE REPLY...

1 3201

FOR EXAMPLE : CLASS Dotnet { } creating object: Dotnet dn=new Dotnet(); NOW THE QUESTION IS WHICH IS CALLED AS OBJECT ? EITHER dn OR new Dotnet() and CAN YOU PROVE YOUR ANSWER????? PLEASE REPLY...

2 4768

What exactly happens when we debug and build the program?


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Un-Answered Questions { C Sharp }

Why References are stored on heap and variables on stack?


Can list contain duplicates c#?


Explain the steps to create satellite assembly?


What is using keyword?


Explain About stateless and state full web service


What is the meaning of MSIL?


write a C# Program add two matrix ?


How many types of collections are there in c#?


Why do we need events in c#?


What are the properties of a string class?


What is string programming language?


Define property in c#.net?


What is the difference between IEnumerator and IEnumerable?


Why we use extension method in c#?


In a C# class we have a SortedList member m_addinProjects we want to provide an iterator to allow the consumer of this class access to the items in the collection. Please provide an iterator method for the AnalyzeAddinsDLL class below and an example of how it would be used. namespace AnalyzeAddinsDLL { public class AllAddInProjects { private SortedList m_addinProjects; public AllAddInProjects() { m_addinProjects = new SortedList(); } } }