C Sharp Interview Questions
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what is work of continue statement in C#?

3 6016

how to cleanup object that does not support dispose method? How to implement dispose for such scenarios?

ITC Infotech,

2 3677

boxing means converting value type to reference type and unboxing means converting reference type to value type.why we need boxing and unboxing?

General Mills, Value Labs,

3 7041

how to return morethan one value using out parameter in c#.net ; For Example : public int show(out int []a) { int []a={1,2,3,4,5}; return a[]; } we have to print all the values without using the Console.WriteLine statement;


1 4316

hi i m bhawna ,a student of mca want to know about what type of technical question has been asked in an interview of mnc's like HCL,TCS,WIPRO


1 1842

What Is The Difference Between ViewState and SessionState?


1 5640

if you do have a stack overflow profile.what is your ranking?


1. What is lazy loading? 2. What is delay signing? 3. How to transfer view object to presenter in MVP? 4. How to create a generic class? 5. What is Ajax object? 6. What is explicit interface implementation? 7. I1, I2 interfaces have same methods (say PrintName) explicitly implemented in class C1. Now how to call PrintName method from I1? 8. I have a list of Customers. List the customer with maximum orders using LINQ.

Aptron, Volvo,

1 2260

What is Partial class? What purpose we use it?


6 7412

What is Delay Signing?


1 4635

what is default accessibility for a class? what is difference b/w viewstate and controlstate? what is the default access specifier for a top level class which are not nested into other classes?

2 3255

Helo , Help Me , Help Me About : C# Windows Application - Network How To Manage IP Client's Accessiblity To The Internet Share concise Substitute , Minor ISA Server


hi, I am a begineer to c sharp. I have written a code for finding out prime numbers. Can anyone identify what are the flaws in my code. Kindly donot complex the code or present logic because i am new to c sharp and just started learning programming language.Thanks in advance. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int a,b=1; a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); c= int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (a % b == 0 && a % 2 != 0 && a % a == 0) Console.WriteLine(a); else if (a % b == 0 && a % 2 == 0) Console.WriteLine(a%2); Console.WriteLine("Number is not PRIME"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }

2 3340

There are a class A. Another class B derived from it. Now if I do A a = new B(); and B b = new B(); What will happen in both the statements. And what is the difference between these two statements.


3 5769

I created a class which is inherited from interface IDisposable. Now if I use object of this class with using keyword. Then How the dispose method will get call. Does garbage collector call it or some else.


2 5502

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Un-Answered Questions { C Sharp }

What are the different types of classes in c#?


Is c# dictionary a hash table?


Is it possible to have different access modifiers on the get/set methods of a property?


Explain the difference between Metadata and Manifest


What are native functions?


Is comparator a functional interface?


What is the use of main method in c#?


What is dictionary class in c#?


What is instantiating a class?


What is exe in c#?


How to block a class from being inherited further?


Define delegate in c#?


What is delegate in c#?


Why c# is called type safe language?


What is the difference between ref and out in c#?