C Sharp Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is a HashCode?

1 4784

Code to run exe like mspaint,autocad etc in asp.net.

2 6241

What’s the difference between System.String and System.Text.StringBuilder classes with example

2 7077

int a = '3' + '4'; char n = (char)a; What will be answer of n?

4 5201

How to navigate from one page(form) to another page(form) using C#.net...please give me the example

6 19808

Difference between string and stringbuilder?

HCL, Siemens, TCS,

3 7980

code to generate a excel sheet and to write data into it --- -it has to fetch the excel sheet which is in one folder placed by us inside a project folder(i,e it has to create a instance of that excel sheet) and write the data into it row by row please respond as early as possible

1 2882

Hai I am Shiva from TN, SSE.I have an query problem. My Table : Door Field : ID,DoorID,ZoneID,Date,Time,Status. Problem was : Status.We got two values, one is 00 (OUTTIME) , Another is 01(INTIME) Like this Status --------- 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 How to Set as Status 00 and 01 , of separate column , Status as Intime,Status as Outtime Like this ----------- InTime OutTime ---------- ----------- 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 Regards KS kumar

1 3443

what is satelite assembly?


5 6144

What are different properties provided by Object-oriented systems?

2 7879

What is a delegate?

Siebel Systems,

5 7271

Can you prevent a class from overriding?

3 7712

What is Dispose method in .NET?

3 6793

What is ENUM?

TCS, Wipro, YeshTech,

10 16104

Hai, I want to open a new form while the previous form is hiding or closing. I tried this with using MDI.I created one form like ParentForm.placed one button control.when clicked one that it opend new form like ChildForm.When i set the property of ChildForm to Maximize,but the ParentForm button control also appearing on the childform. so plz help me how to hide parentform controls(hide parentform while it is childform opened) thanq..

1 2873

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Un-Answered Questions { C Sharp }

What is difference between method overriding and method overloading?


Explain about Error handling and how this is done


When a switch is said to be congested?


List the different stages of a thread?


What does args mean in c#?


What is the difference between CreateObject() and GetObject()?


What are sessions in c#?


What is native image generator (ngen.exe)?


Why do we use anonymous method in c#?


What does get set mean in c#?


Explain the difference between a sub and a function in c#.


Is arraylist faster than linkedlist?


List down the access modifiers available in c#?


What are the Types of configuration files and their differences


What are Memory foot print of an exe?