General Aptitude Interview Questions
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a decorator bought a bolt of d m number of red chips in any one stackā‚¬?

Alliance, HCL, R Systems,

2 16661

6. The values of shares (in Rs).of A, B and C from January to June are as follows. Month A B C January 30 60 80 February 35 65 85 March 45 75 65 April 40 75 82 May 55 75 85 June 50 75 80 i) During this period which share has undergone maximium fluctuation? ii) In which month it is possible to buy B and C selling A? iii) In which month the share values are very low? iv) By purchasing one share of A and 4 each of B and C in the beginning of the period, when should these be sold to get maximum profit?


1 17735

please send 10 year question papers of clerical and probationary officer question papers of sbi bank this is my email id....


Respected Sir/Mem Plz send me all 5 years solved question papers of sbi clerk on my Gmail id and that is


Input an array and then print the repeating characters?? Example: Input:1,3,23,11,44,3,23,2,3. Output:3,23 plz help me.... i want a code of it. In C language.

Nagarro, Wipro,

5 20257

ques-Input an array and prints the second minimum in an array?? Example Input:34,45,21,12,54,67,15 Output:15 I want a solution in C/C++ language


2 6747

Find the longest palendrom in a string? Example Input: abfgerccdedccfgfer Output: ccdedcc i want a solution in C/C++ language



Ques--Input a number and then find the next higher number such that for both the number (inputted and the next higher number) in binary representation contains equal number os ones. Example: Input:3(0000000000000011) Ouput:5(0000000000000101) I want a solution in C/C++ language


2 10284

A table containing decimal nos. from 1 to 100 and their roman Equivalent was given. We were required to write a function : char* ConverToRoman(int number) : to convert the given number( 1<=number<=100) into its numerical equivalent. I want a solution in C/C++ language


1 5648

An array was given and we were required to write a function : int CalculateThirdHighest(int a[ ]) : which calculates the third highest number in the array. While coding in C remember to calculate the length of array using formulae length of array=sizeof(a)/sizeof(int). Because the number of elements of array were not passed as argument. i want a solution in C/C++ language



Two sentences are given and we were required to print the common word in the two sentences. Words were delimited by space, full stop, ? , ! and , . The trick in the question was that common word should be printed only once so if ur first sentence contains two word "how" and second contains "how" then in output how should be printed only once for this u can replace each matched word in second sentence by spaces . i want a solution in C/C++ language



We were required to write a program to check whether the given number was of the form 3^n. ( i.e. 3 to the power n). I knew that it can be done by bit manipulation but couldn't make out the logic. i want a solution in C/C++ language

Nagarro, Rolant,

1 5060

There are two sorted arrays a1 and a2 of size n1 and size n2 respectively. array a1 is full array a2 has exactly n1(size of array a1) empty space. example a1[]=1234 a2[]=56789_ _ _ _ Write a function to merge these two arrays to form a sorted array without any extra memory use. i want a solution in c/c++ language


2 5365

There is a lucky draw held every day. If there is a winning number eg. 1876, then all possible numbers like 1867 ,1687,1768 etc are the numbers that match irrespective of the position of the digits. Thus all these numbers qualify fr the lucky draw prize. Assume there is no zero digit in any numbers. Write a program to show all the possible winning numbers if a "winningnumber" is passed as an argument to the function. i want a solution in c/c++ language

IBM, Nagarro,


there is a matrix N x N .Its elements consist of either value =1 or value=0. If there is a any zero in the row, then the output matrix should have all zeroes in that row. If there is a single zero in any column then that column should have all zeroes n the output matrix. write the function to perform these operations. i want a solution in c/c++ language



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If each of the numbers A, B and C are divisible by 2, then A*B*C must be divisible by


In a storage stall of 5x3x2inch.How many blanks of size 2x1x1inch can be stored..


Y catches 5 times more fishes than X. If total number of fishes caught by X and Y is 48, then number of fishes caught by X?


Hi, Can anybody please send me the last year question papers of Oriental Bank of Commerce PO exam. My email ID is: Thanks.


In the word ECONOMETRICS, if the first and second , third and forth ,forth and fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth letter from right?


in a railway station, there are tow trains going. One in the harbour line and one in the main line, each having a frequency of 10 minutes. the main line service starts at 5 o'clock. the harbour line starts at 5.02a.m. a man goes to the station every day to catch the first train. what is the probability of man catching the first train


Whether from one system to another we are able to share the Data? Whether Antivirus helps the system to keep it safe from Virus? Why you consider yourself suitable for this post? Why you want to join in this company? And what made you to apply for this job? State with Reason What you think is best for your department? A)Strict Discipline B)Family Atmosphere C)Work as Team in Department Are you to relocate yourself to any site or Office as required by Company?


A boy scores 9 marks more than his friend in an exam and has 56% marks of the total of their marks. Calculate the marks scored by each of them.


If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then What is FEAT. Find representation of 2998


Light glows for every 13 seconds . How many times did it glow between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47 am.


How many ways can one arrange the word EDUCATION such that relative positions of vowels and consonants remains same?


Make a square by drawing only one line


How many mod 3 counters are required to construct mod 9 counter.


i need icet solved papers 2000 to 20010,and also mock papers,mock online


a person went to a shop and asked for change for 1.15paise. but he said that he could not only give change for one rupee. but also for 50p,25p,10p and 5p. what were the coins he had