Oracle Forms Reports Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is forms_DDL?

2 9536

What is WHEN-Database-record trigger?

1 6303

What are the master-detail triggers?

1 5431

What is the difference between $$DATE$$ & $$DBDATE$$

1 9713

What is system.coordination_operation?

1 3250

What are the difference between lov & list item?


1 8260

What are the different display styles of list items?

1 6762

What is pop list?

2 4119

What is a text list?

2 3300

What is a combo box?

2 5037

What are display items?

3 5177

What is difference between open_form and call_form?

2 13315

What is new_form built-in?

1 3458

What is a library?

1 3064

What is the advantage of the library?

2 3799

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Un-Answered Questions { Oracle Forms Reports }

what is difference between group above and group left report


Why oracle forms required?


all steps of bitmap report?


difference between global n context sensitive segments?


did u p prepared complex report


If the valueset if of type –TABLE then how many tables can we attach in the valueset ?


What is responsibility and how u attach How to create user and how u attach with responsibility.


Explain the different levels at which oracle form services interact.


i want to print the employee details on department wise with group above report with the fields DEPTNO------group above ENAME ------ SAL-------- COMM------ I WANT OUTPUT LIKE THIS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1)FIRST DEPTNO=10 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN FIRST PAGE AND DEPTNO=20 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN 2ND PAGE WHAT I HAVE TO DO OUTPUT ------- --FIRST_PAGE ----------- DEPTNO:10 ENAME SAL COMM KING 5000 A 2000 2222 ---- =- -- SECONDPAGE DEPTNO:20 ENAME SAL COMM MILLER 220 22 D 45 23 -- - - LIKE THE ABOVE PROCDURE REPORTS HOW MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE EXISITING IN EMP TABLE


in user parameter property we have list of values.can we write select query for binding? for example:: select empno from emp where deptno=:deptnum :deptnum is first parameter it displays distinct dept nos. if i do like this it is giving error:: bind variables are not allowed in the select statement


Name the different triggers associated with oracle forms having a master-detail relationship.


In workflow how can we send a notification to the Supplier giving the Corresponding report Details.


what is a package n what r the packages availbla in report


how do u compile a form i.e .fmb file in Unix or in dos


what is oracle forms?