Java J2EE AllOther Interview Questions
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Difference b/w >> and >>> ?

Adobe, Infosys,

1 5921

Write a postfix expression to (a*(b+c/d)*d-e)


4 9031

Hi frnds how to lock an user when he enter wrong credentials more than 3 time using java or j2ee tech take username and password in a bean no need to connect DB and validate give me some sample application code or links its urgent for me thanks in advance



Explain JSP life cycle?


2 7015

when exactly should we use throws ,and wen exactly should we use the try and catch for exceptional handling


what is mean by hasing and maping in java platform and advantage?



What is Generic in java? Where can we write Generic ( class or method or objects or etc...)? with simple example? Thanks, Bose. Infosys 2 In which way does a Primitive data type is passed ? Sun- Microsystems 4 what is the use of declaring constructor as private? Sai- Softech 5 what is difference between global methods and local methods? 1 What is meant by class loader and how many types are there? Apple 1 what is meaning of JIT? 4 What is an abstract class? Wipro 5 what is filters and its use? Virtusa 2 why is multiple inheritance not allowed in java? Elementus-Technologies 7 Differences between jdk 1.4 and 1.5 Wipro 4 is JVM platform dependent or independent..? IBM 6 what is main purpose of abstract class? 5 what is difference between colection and collections? Tech-Mahindra 11 What error occurs if a try-catch-finally statement sequence does not have a catch clause? 2 Explain the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane? 1 Explain the differences between public, private, protected and static? 4 Explain the difference between getAppletInfo and getParameterInfo? 1 Is Cegonsoft Pvt.Ltd. a good Institute? 4 Why only one Class is public in one file? Explain in details. Thanks in Advance. 11 Which method will get invoked first in a stand alone application?


"Sun Certified Java Programmer" This is one String , we need to print SCJP, write the java code dynamically? pls reply this questions


6 7056

please mail me the interview question based on java/j2ee



Hi we have an urgent requirement for Java/J2ee technical lead position & also looking for "Java Guidewire claimcentre" experienced professional for Bangalore location if interested can reach


what is the difference between checked and unchecked Exceptions?


4 8219

What is markup language?

1 3103


1 2676

what is the difference between through and throws?


2 5698

who will give req's to u?. how they send req's to u? . what design documents contains?. when bugs raised on other developer code how to report to them?.(throgh mail or ........). how to retrive 100 recods from dao layer to presentation layer.using which collection?. what is sequence diagram.?.



Post New Java J2EE AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE AllOther }

Which interface does java.util.hashtable implement?


What is the difference between comparable and comparator in java.util pkg?


What is iterator in the java collections framework? : java collections


What are the main classes of the list interfaces? : java collections


my interviewer asked me what technical specification you used how to answer that question


Hi we have an urgent requirement for Java/J2ee technical lead position & also looking for "Java Guidewire claimcentre" experienced professional for Bangalore location if interested can reach


Which sorting algorithm is used by collections.sort() in java ?


Hi Friends , am newbie to ajax. For example just consider one account registration - A form contains 8 text fields with submit button. In this form second texbox contains "username " . On right side of text box there is a label box . On clilck action i need to determine user is available or not. Is it possible on clicking label or should i click submit button.


What are the different types of ways where you can iterate over a list? : java collections


What is the use of the list interface in the java collection? : java collections


What are the interfaces in java collections? : java collections


What is the enumerator of the java collection framework? : java collections


What are the different types of features of the java collections framework? : java collections


What are the different types of collections views being provided by the map interface? : java collections


Hi frnds how to lock an user when he enter wrong credentials more than 3 time using java or j2ee tech take username and password in a bean no need to connect DB and validate give me some sample application code or links its urgent for me thanks in advance