IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BINDING LANG AND BIND DIR WHEN USING IN SERVICE PGM...when using binding directory service pgm is necessary?


2 14131

what are the types of errors available in rpg IV or 400.Like decimal data error,sessional error or device error etc...means important error occurings,ie to find out suddenly???pls give answ if u know?Pls give the answer 1,,,,,,,to how it will happened like...for eg if a file is not closiing ,,,like this error is happened... if sufficient data is not in a pf to write in a display file. or sfldsp is not "on"......sessional or device error this give details all 1 to 12 errors (syam..)....give details PLsssssssssss?


1 5184

how can send report to user through cl program in as400

1 9219

I/o error detected,Record Out of sequence,Permanent I/o error occured....I mean give one eg for these errors...i understand only,update/delete operation without prior read oprn..give details of remaining


1 10010

how a varible can be passed to a subfile...accnt1 contain data in a data Daccnt1 uds,Daccnt2 3 overlay(accnt1:1), DNo 4 overlay(accnt1:4)..we want to transfer this dataarea value from acnt0001 to a subfile..that means to enter each record we have to incriment account no,, i normal window we can do move accnt1 account_no eval account_no=accnt1 eval no=no+1 exfmt usr_account how it possible with Subfile????????.Please do answer? (Thank you for all your answers dear friends!!)


1 4597

not all command typed on command line are cl command? true r false

3 5755

if &var='good++++' &var2='day' &var *cat &var2 &var1 *tcat &var2 what is output

2 4268

what is the command to rtrieve system date? options:1.rtvsysval 2.rtvjoba 3.rtvjobd 4.both a and b

5 12342

what is the use of CPYFRMQRYF?

4 10753

function of DSPPGMREF?

3 8301

what is pointer error in rpg IV?


4 14500

How many Printer Files can Declare in a CL Program?

4 13957

How many MONMSG commands can declare in a CL program?

3 12177

Can you use multi format LF in CL program?

2 7339

How to declare the length of emp no in the physilcal file and the mandatory length is 6 i.e. Emp No should be numeric, mandatory and fill all the 6 places

2 5318

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Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

how can a cgi check whether an ifs object is available?


what is the clp command to access a query/400?


what is sflinz and sflrna?


when are the unique constraints executed?


which are the string manipulation opcodes?


what does check opcode do ?


What Is The Error If We Don't Get Login Screen?


what are different record spacing keywords in rlu ?


what is the use of unique keyword and what level it is defined?


what is the use of jdftval in join logical file?


Apart from opening of a file do we have any other use of USROPN?


what is match field indicator?


can you have multiple key lists for a single file ?


Write a CL program which will run a batch job at 1 am every night


what is the maximum number of subroutines allowed in rpg?