MySQL Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is JOIN? Give example & types of join?

iMedia, Millennium, RAM Software, Satyam,

14 38251

what are the optimization techniques for Query optimization performance issues and faster execution of queries

Infosys, Sierra Atlantica,

2 11686

what are the main differences between MyISAM and InnoDB table storage structures ? what are the advantages and disadvantages in usage of these ?

E2 Solutions, Tesco,

10 40961

in a master-master replication with two masters and alternate slaves running on two systems.can i have a script or any mysql command to know which one is right now acting as master.

1 3040

if we want to load data from a text file into a mysql table, but the columns in table are 1st: code(int) and 2nd: city(varchar), but in text file the format is 1st cityname and then code separeted by delimeters. how to load?

2 4066

how we can use more then one primary key in Single Table


9 13380

Ondelete clause is specified with a.)Drop table b.)Delete command c.)Create table d.)Select command

Amdocs, MediaSoft,

5 7583

how to find missing numbers between two order numbers; and dates ?

1 5366

How to get full name of monthname ?

4 7682

about join

2 3896

about foregine

2 3185

How to find out the second largest element from mysql table

15 23884

How we can copy one table data into another table whose name same as table but in differ database

8 15714

please give me the answer for this: query which generates the second highest integer in the table?

8 6733

How many tables will create when we create table, what are they?

5 8143

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Un-Answered Questions { MySQL }

What is a join? Explain the different types of mysql joins.


Which statement is used to delete a table in MySQL.


Can't connect mysql server on localhost?


What port is mysql running on?


How to use mysqldump to create a copy of the database?


What is timestamp in mysql?


What are triggers mysql?


What is a blob datatype?


What is cursor in mysql?


How can we convert between Unix & MySQL timestamps?


What is mysql procedure?


What are ddl statements in mysql?


What are Heap tables?


What is difference between mysql_connect and mysql_pconnect?


What is the difference between truncate and delete?