MySQL Interview Questions
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What are the method you will follow while sql installing

Mind Tree,


how to get only updated, deleted , inserted records after certain interval time in mysql with out using triggers...


write a c++ program to add a user to mysql.the user should be permitted to only "insert" into the given database

Infosys, Webyog,

3 5719

What is diff b/w MYISAM and INNODB storage engine. and also define the benifits and drawbacks of both storage engine

1 3063

What is the difference between SQL and SQL Server?

Cognizant, HCL,

3 7301

Can u give the example by taking an unnormalized table and make that 1nf and then 25nf, and then 3 nf?


I've looked but can't find a MySQL equivalent for MS SQL's xp_cmdshell. I have 7z files that I want to unzip and load into MySQL. I'm trying to write a sp to do the unzip, but I can't find a way to do that. Can anyone provide an example of a similar process in Windows? TIA.


how to declare unique key in creating a table..?

2 5448

How to define numeric 9(3) in db2 table without decimal point??


How to write query to select word java's from column employees and from emp table


1 2866

is it possible to assign two primary key in a table


8 9842

How internally data stores in MyISAM and INNODB table types?



maximum database size of mysql database

2 4353

when i declare date data type in sql ,i inserted the date 22-10-2012,but my result is in different date 1894-07-11 any one pls help me what's wrong in my query Create table orders(od_id int,od_name varchar(10),od_date date) insert into orders values(1,'sai',22-10-2012) and any one pls suggest what i can learn for 3 years real time experenice in sql because i am looking for database field

1 2676

I want to make a query where I want to eliminate the duplicate rows from the table. For example : Input : Table : NAME Column1 Column2 India USA USA India UK India India UK The desired output that I want to eliminate the duplicates Output India USA UK India Thanks

Sun Life,

2 4233

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Un-Answered Questions { MySQL }

How to update database permissions/privilages.


State the differences between mongodb and mysql.


What do you need to connect php to mysql?


What data structure does mysql use?


What are the column comparisons operators?


How to extract a unit value from a date and time?


What is mysql aggregate functions? Explain


What are the three types of queries?


What are the disadvantages of stored procedures?


What is 'mysqld'?


What is the limit of mysql database?


Does mysql support sequence?


What is data directory in mysql?


How do I run mysql on a mac?


What is difference between oracle sql and mysql?