MySQL Interview Questions
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at first i'm using datediff('d', a.due_date, current_date); but it takes too long to get the result but how can i subtract the current_date - a.due_date and still get the same result like when i use datediff? thank you

1 2786

how to take mysql database structure backup

6 8636

How do you start MySQL on Linux?


5 6133

What is the main different between Null and NOT Null. Difference between Primary and Unique Key. How to Check the database from which application is it possibe.

6 6814

What is Foreign Key? What is the main difference between primary key and Foreign Key ? How Foreign Key can be defined? Is Foreign key is used to join two or more table?

4 6329

What is Inner Joints and Outer Joints ? What is right outer joints,left outer joints,right inner joints , left inner joints ,


2 6825

What is the difference Delete and Drop ?

6 7159

how we connect the data base in any programme

2 3345

What is check constraint?

3 5595

what do you mean by longblob Data type in MySql?

3 11577

What is difference b/w composit key n primary key and forigion key?

4 6469

Print 3 highest salary

9 10285

what programming language which is used for testing and developement in sql?

3 3865

what is the advantage of left outer join?

2 12985

What is the difference between a Table and a View?

3 5784

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Un-Answered Questions { MySQL }

What data type is money?


How to create a table?


Does mysql support nosql?


What is trigger in mysql?


How do I show all mysql databases?


Which is faster innodb or myisam?


What is the difference between a database and a table?


How do I automate a backup in mysql?


How to install mysql?


What do ddl, dml, and dcl stand for?


How do I truncate all tables in mysql?


What is view? How can you create and drop view in mysql?


Is mysql still relevant?


What are all the Common SQL Function?


What is a table schema?