Oracle Interview Questions
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how to find find & delete duplicate rows from two different tables?

Accenture, TCS,

3 10304

i want to print the employee details on department wise with group above report with the fields DEPTNO------group above ENAME ------ SAL-------- COMM------ I WANT OUTPUT LIKE THIS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1)FIRST DEPTNO=10 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN FIRST PAGE AND DEPTNO=20 EMPLOYEES DISPLAYED IN 2ND PAGE WHAT I HAVE TO DO OUTPUT ------- --FIRST_PAGE ----------- DEPTNO:10 ENAME SAL COMM KING 5000 A 2000 2222 ---- =- -- SECONDPAGE DEPTNO:20 ENAME SAL COMM MILLER 220 22 D 45 23 -- - - LIKE THE ABOVE PROCDURE REPORTS HOW MANY DEPARTMENTS ARE EXISITING IN EMP TABLE


plz explain when we are using pre-query,post-query,pre-insert and post-insert?plz explain with one example

2 14697

• What is oracle Architecture?

3 5285

You have one employee table having 3 entries emp_id, Mgr_id and salary. Mgr_id is also referencing emp_id. so now find out the emp_id which are having the second highest salary, under a particular manager.

Amazon, HCL,

3 7167

how to hide the scroll bar in forms 6i

2 12418

I'm doing my final year and i ve planned to do an oracle certification , is this the rit tim nd wat's the future scope??

1 2690

How can I sum column wise in Oracle excel report?

1 4991

how to retrieve 1st and last row of table without using group functions??

6 6954

How to Identify the previously inserted/updated records in already populated table.


Which is the cheapest and quality Oracle Education provider in Bangladesh?

1 3028

how can get like this result table A col1 col2 --- ----- a A b B C C .. .. .. ... .. ... wants result like for a single column col1 ------ a,b,c,........n of data and another is col1 ------- A B C D ........ a b b d ........


2 4073

without using count(*) and rownum how can we count total record in a table


5 8016

you are sorting a table using "order by"(descending) clause of a column which contains a null value...whether that row containing null value will come first or last in the output??


2 4881

Which is the best institute in Hyderabad to learn OBIEE and DataStage?Please tell me faculty name also


Un-Answered Questions { Oracle }

Can select statements be used on views in oracle?


Explain the method to debug errors in an oracle application.


What is the relation between database and instance?


what is insert all statement in sql


Which dictionary tables and/or views would you look at to diagnose a locking issue?


how to handle exceptions in post production


What do we mean by record group in oracle forms?


What is difference between cartesian join and cross join?


What is BBED in Oracle?


22. Display the order number, number of lines in the order, total number of items and total value for all orders that have a total value greater than $100


Is there a combination of "like" and "in" in sql?


How view is different from a table?


What is a package in oracle?




material view and view disadvantages?