Oracle Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is SYSTEM tablespace and When is it Created?

2 6257

Explain the relationship among Database, Tablespace and Data file?

4 10907

What is schema?

Bodhi Global Services, Cognizant, HCL,

41 52983

What are Schema Objects ?

2 4433

Can objects of the same Schema reside in different tablespaces.?

3 8247

Can a Tablespace hold objects from different Schemes ?

3 6343

what is Table ?

2 4324

What is a View ?

3 5356

Do View contain Data ?

10 20719

Can a View based on another View ?

3 10664

What are the advantages of Views ?

3 8811

What is a Sequence ?

3 5492

What is a Synonym ?

3 5934

What are the type of Synonyms?

1 5108

What is a Private Synonyms ?

1 4206

Un-Answered Questions { Oracle }

Which data loaded are in target db?


Using the relations and the rules set out in the notes under each relation, write table create statements for the relations EMPLOYEE, FIRE and DESPATCH. You should aim to provide each constraint with a formal name, for example table_column_pk.


What are a query and state the different types of queries and their uses?


Explain alias?


What is catalog in Oracle?


Mention what is the difference between instance recovery and crash recovery?


How to define an anonymous procedure with variables?


What is a dba why is this position necessary?


what is meant by magic query


Why packages are used in oracle?


Explain oracle left join with an example?


What are the data types in oracle?


Mention what is new feature in oracle asm 12c?


Why does Oracle not permit the use of PCTUSED with indexes?


What is the sql query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in oracle?