OOPS Interview Questions
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Out of 4 concepts, which 3 C++ Follow?


1 4349

inheritence with example

1 3894

function overridind means and simple program

2 4015

what is mean by design pattern

4 6485

What do we mean by a hidden argument in a function?


1 3718

What do we mean by a hidden argument in C++?

1 4687

What is the use of unnamed namespaces in OOPS? The only advantage I know is that they dont need the scope resolution operator while accessing them. I want to know some other advantages of unnamed namespaces...

2 3543

What is a macro? And how is a macro same as a template?

4 4810

What is the default size allocated for array in the statement if size not specified " int a[] "


4 8580

What is the difference between Home and $Home?


2 4502

what is the abstract class,interface ,its difference with a programatic eg.? hi,recently i went for an interview they ask me what is abstract class ,interface and its difference I said abstract class contain abstact method ,abstract method is a method with no body.Abstract class cannot be instantiated.Abstract class is a base class it required derived class for the implementation of method. Interface is a syntactical contract that all derived class should follow it define properties ,method,events which are known as member of interface. Then They asked me what is the difference between them. I said abstract class interface 1.abstact class can implement method 1.interface cant 2.abstact class can contain constructor, 2.interface cant destructor 3.abstract class cannot support multiple 3.interface support inheritance etc Then they said some different answer I said dont no. Then they ask me when i should make abstract class for an project and when i should make interface. I said if suppose there is two class which must be having method with different logic then we sholud make abstract class. and if suppose we have two class having method .with different logic then we can make interface . Am i correct with my explaination.if not correct me .please provide me that when should we create abstract class and interface and what is difference .please help me

1 3897

difference between abstraction and encapsulation with progarammatic eg. hi,just recently i went for an interview .The interviewer asked what is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation with programmatic eg. I gave the answer as encapsulation mean hiding the relevant data which is not useful for the user, eg a electric fan .hiding the information how the electricity is converted into machanical energy. abtraction showing only the relevant data to the user eg electric fan. it look ,its color ,it design etc only relevant data. Then the interviewer asked me, give me some programmic eg .I Said Let assume a web form having control like textbox,button etc. The user can view textbox,button etc this is the eg of abstraction and when the user click on the button how he is redirected is not known by the user is the eg of the encapsulation. Am I Correct .was the answer given by me is perfect .now i am planing to go for an another interview should i give the same answer.IF not please suggest me a better answer.with some good eg Please help

1 3810

What is the use of fflush(stdin) in c++?


4 6740

Why is it so that we can have virtual constructors but we cannot have virtual destructors?

2 3812

Which keyword is written to use a variable declared in one class in the other class?


5 8443

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Un-Answered Questions { OOPS }

what type of questions


What are the features of oop?


What are the advantages of polymorphism?


What is protected in oop?


Write a program to implement OOPS concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, friend function, operator overloading?


What are the 3 pillars of oop?


What are two types of polymorphism?


What is polymorphism used for?


Why do we use encapsulation in oops?


What is static in oop?


What is object in oop?


What does no cap mean?


Where You Can Use Interface in your Project


What is a superclass in oop?


Which is not an object oriented programming language?