Shell Script Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

In which variable prompt value is stored?

2 5560

When we login into our account which files are executed?

Chip Quest,

3 6606

whta is the use of "exec" command?

1 5140

what is "umask"?


6 18399

How to modify the PATH variable and make it executable?

Mind Tree,

3 8144

What are the different shells available?

3 6496

How to print some text on to the screen?

2 4826

How to take input values from the user?

4 6222

What are the different methods available to run a shell script?

2 7263

what are special characters and explain how does text varies by the usage of single quotes,double quotes and back quotes?

1 5700

How to include comments in your shell scripts?

3 6137

What is the need of including script interpreter in your shell script?

2 4667

What is "test"? How it is used in shell scripting?

2 5379

How to declare functions in unix shell script?

4 30056

What is the use of "shift" command in passing parameters?

1 7051

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Un-Answered Questions { Shell Script }

What is @echo off?


What is basename in shell script?


Devise a script that takes file name as arguement(which must present in the current directory)and locates from your home directory tree all thpath names of its links.Then mail the list to self.


How do you create a shortcut in linux?


How do I debug a shell script?


What is shell variable?


What is scripting autism?


Explain about debugging?


How do you know which shell I am using?


What is the equivalent of a file shortcut that we have a window on a linux system?


How do I run a script from command prompt?


I have 2 files and I want to print the records which are common to both.


What are the advantages of shell script?


Is shell scripting a language?


What does echo mean in scripting?