VB Script Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

write a vb script to open a text file and write into it

2 4108

write a vb script create 5 folders test1 test2 test3 test4 test5

3 4503

how to delete folder test3,test4 and test5 using vbscript?

2 4239

how to add the shared repository file to the script file while running the script manuall

2 3257

Write a Fucntion to close all Opened browser expect desired one?

Ness Technologies,

2 6678

How to make sure that items in a wintree are sorted al?

Ness Technologies,


How to find a latest file from any folder

Ness Technologies,

3 6053

How to Pass Multiple values in functions by using vb script? Function value(arg1,arg2) N1=arg1+arg2 N2=arg1-agr2 N3=arg1*agr2 N4=arg1/arg2 Value= How to pass ? End Function


3 5824

sunday is sunday monday tuesday wendesday sunday thursday friday saturday sunday sunday how to count no of sunday in the text file from vb? Answer me asap

4 5465

* ** *** Please write a code to get output like above diagram? ple explain as it how the code works?

2 3590

what is the difference between modular and data and keyword driven framework


who will create the object?



how many types of recording are there?

1 2843

what is extension of the file if its saved from recovery manger to some drive

1 2722

what is test scenario?

1 1954

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

How to pass argument by reference to a function in vbscript?


How will you convert a string to upper case string using vbscript?


What is the difference between function and procedure?


Explain about constants in vb script?


does anyone have qtp11.0 license key.Please sendit to my mail id-rrvv2011@gmail.com...Thanks


What is the purpose of folders object of scripting.filesystemobject class in vbscript?


Mention what are the rules to name variable in vbscript?


A folder is there inside no of textfiles are avilable. How do count the textfiles. Normally folder means we are using subfolder methods but textfiles is not working for subfolder methods and how do get file name also.


Explain about .wsf files?


How to find the font in qtp. Scenario:After entering the username and passwd you will be navigate into the "welcome:Username" page.Now I want to extarct font for this message.


What are the properties of regexp object?


Hello Guys, If any body looking for "worksoft certify tool training in bangalore", please contact me aimansaud@gmail.com


Mention what if you do not specify anything when you call a procedure?


How are values assigned to string type and numeric type variables?


Can u describe what kind of testing are for OTC derivates by banks.