SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
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how to get the third quarter of employee details from emp?


2 6950

How can i insert data inro a table with 3 columns using FORALL?


2 9839

find the third highest salary?

23 38495

what is autonomouse transaction?


3 6918

real time applications of nullif?

3 4908

C. Normalize the following data up to the 3rd Normal form. Create the tables and insert the data given. Emp_ID Name Dept_Name Salary Course_Title Date_Completed 100 Adam Marketing 48,000 SPSS 6/19/2008 Surveys 10/7/2008 140 Bob Accounting 52,000 Tax Acc 12/8/2008 110 Cathy IT SQL Server 1/12/2008 C# 4/22/2008 190 Dan Finance 150 Emily Marketing 55,000 SPSS 6/16/2008 42,000 Analysis 8/12/2008 Queries 1. Find all Names who have completed the SPSS Course. 2. Find employee with max salary. 3. Find employee with 2nd max salary. 4. Find all employees in Dept “Marketing”. 5. Find all the employees who have taken more than 2 courses. 6. Find all the employees who have completed the courses before month of September.


How to recompile a already made trigger?

2 10823

What is the difference between SQL Constraint and PL/SQL constraint.Pls give all the constraint name.


3 7395

how to get enames with comma seperated values by deptwise on emp table?

8 9564

what is the need of the cursor attribute notfound..(because using found attribute we can complete the task......found + negation operator = not found )

Tech Mahindra,

2 6929

how do you count the duplicate records in a table

Tech Mahindra,

10 16129

consider a table which contain 4 columns,ename,eno,sal and deptno, from this table i want to know ename who having maximum salary in deptno 10 and 20.

Mind Tree,

24 24132

what is the difernece between named and anonymous pl/sql blocks??

TCS, Wells Fargo,

8 18347

How to add Foreign key in a table after the creation of the table?


5 9985

How to copy a table in another table with datas?

9 11823

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Un-Answered Questions { SQL PLSQL }

What is difference between pls_integer and integer?


Is sql sequential or random?


Can we create clustered index without primary key?


Enlist the advantages of sql.


What is sql table?


Can we write ddl statements in functions?


In pl/sql, what is bulk binding, and when/how would it help performance?


Which sql statement is used to delete data from a database?


What are the different types of constraints?


What can I use instead of union in sql?


What is before trigger?


What is the mutating table and constraining table?


What are the dml statements?


What are all different types of collation sensitivity?


What is the difference between between and in condition operators?