Core Java Interview Questions
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My interview asked what is dynamic variable in java and where we use them.


2 6458

"we cannot create an object of interface but we can create a variable of it".diacuss the statement with the help of an example.

2 6818

Can I create any Marker Interface? If yes then how can I use it???

4 10193

please send code example of inner classes?

2 4637

what is the use of clone method? why user cant overwrite in sub class without its proper defination.


2 5399

what is object deep copy and shallow copy and why it is required?

2 8058

what is the use of Clonable,and serializable interface?

1 22361

Can an interface extands a class?

5 8362

Can i have abstract class with no abstract methods?


22 42545

what are upcasting and downcasting?

5 16922

what is the diff b/w arraylist and vector?

Code Genesis, Genesis, Sprintine Labs,

6 9530

What is actual difference between statement,prepared statement and callable statement and when we have to use it? pls post a answer with code and clear explanation. thanks

2 13333

Write an algorithm program in java for the following question.. 1) S is a set of integers.X is an integer obtained by sum of two digits in S. Write logic for whether or not the X is from the S. The time of algorithm should not exceed o(n logn).


Write an algorithm program in java for the following question.. In a VLSI design techniques,they used rectangles to design circuits. EVery rectangle is to be placed according to x,y coordinates. Check whether or not two rectangles overlap each other. Here overlapping of rectangles is acceptable, if 1) one rectangle intersect with other. 2) one rectangle fully covers other. The time of algorithm should not exceed o(n logn).


can we access the super class method using subclass object?

4 6673

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what is synchronization? : Java thread


What class of exceptions are generated by the java run-time system?


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What is the difference between abstract class and interface1? What is an interface?


How many types of parsers are there?


what is meant by HQL?


What is the use of jtable?


Difference between comparator and comparable in java?


How does enum work in java?


When will you define a method as static in Java?


How many bytes is 255 characters?


Write a program to reverse a number in java?