Core Java Interview Questions
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which method is used to know the status of the Thread?


9 12957

is this possible to create an array of 0 length? if so how? if not so why? coz we have an array in main() likw this "static void main(String [] s) then what it signifies?

Hexaware, TCS,

3 16990

Is it possible to write static method in abstract class? justyfy your answer?


5 13642

what is the difference between HashMap And HashTable?


5 11107

what is the difference between abstract class and Interface?where we can use it in realtime projects?

Agile Software, Cognizant, IBM, Innodata, Logica CMG, Mitosis, Nagarro, Value Chain,

23 64736

How many bits are used to represent unicodde,ASCII,UTF-16 and UTF-8 characters?

2 5194

which class to use when concatenating strings in a loop.


3 7570

what are depricated methods ?


5 9504

What is multiple inheritance & can we implement it in java?


6 12967

what is the difference between cd & dvd ?

Lovely Professional University, Satyam, Sibylsys,

30 48519

why java does not support multiple inheritance

Diamond, Euclid, Evergent, KLKJ, Mind Tree, NIIT, SSI Small Scale Industries, Wipro,

41 93068

why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization

4 19150

what is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable

Value Labs, Virtusa,

17 57985

what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector

KPIT, Sasken, Satyam, Span Infotech, Wipro,

19 43630

what is the difference between @include page and @include file

2 7882

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

You can create a string object as string str = “abc”; why cant a button object be created as button bt = “abc”;? Explain


What advantage do java's layout managers provide over traditional windowing systems?


What is meant by javabeans?


Explain public static void main(string args[]).


What is the applet security manager, and what does it provide?


2) Suppose there are 5 directories having lot of files (say txt files) in each directory. 2 things :- 2.1) You want to search for filenames which have a particular pattern. 2.2) Out of these filtered files you want to search for a particular keyword or a search string. How can you achieve this?


Where pragma is used?


What is Java Reflection API? Why it’s so important to have?


What is hashset in java?


What is length in java?


What is super keyword explain with example?


State differences between C and Java?


What are java annotations?


How are observer and observable used in java programming?


When do you call copy constructor?