Core Java Interview Questions
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what is for datainputstream?

1 2915

What is the use of static keyword in "public static void main()"

College School Exams Tests, Infosys, Six Dee Telecom,

10 9887

what is mena by object block any what is the use of that



can any body tell me? does advance java and j2ee both are same.

CTS, Infosys,

4 8988

does core java and j2se both are same?

5 13141

what is difference between signed & unsigned char?

2 4023

What is the blank final variable?

3 5279

difference throws and throw in java

3 4163

What is “try and catch” in java

2 3832

Integer.parse Int(bf.readLine(System.out.println("enter value for n["+m+"]:"))); can it run under this

1 2347

what is mean by ooad? where we are using? can you tell me any real time example?

Eka Software,

1 3130

What is mean by UML? what is the use? where we are using?

Eka Software,

1 3704

Any one can explain how the inerface uses in java. give with example.


1 2190

interface X{ void m1(); void m2(); } class Child2 extends Object implements X { public void m1(){ System.out.println("Child2 M1"); } public void m2(){ System.out.println("Child2 M2"); } } public class ParentChildInfterfaceDemo { public static void main(String[] args){ X x = new Child2(); X x1 = new Child2(); x.m1(); x.m2(); x.equals(x1); } } Will the above code work? If yes? Can you please explain why the code x.equals(x1) will work as the equals method is called on interface reference vaiable?

2 4857

how can you say that java is independ language

TCS, Wipro,

2 4572

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

Difference between object and reference?


What are the various access specifiers in java?


What is variable length arguments in java?


How can you read an integer value from the keyword when the application is runtime in java? example?


What are selection structures?


Given a singly linked list, find the middle of the list in a single traversal without using temporary variable.


Is 0 an irrational number?


What is a ternary operator in java? What is an interface?


What is the inheritance?


Write a program based on Java script program.


What are the rules for naming an array?


What is method with example?


What is a default constraint?


Is it possible to cast an int value into a byte variable? What would happen if the value of int is larger than byte?


What are the uses of java?