C++ Interview Questions
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Objective The objective of this problem is to test the understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, in particular, on encapsulation. Problem Description Create a program for managing customer’s bank accounts. A bank customer can do the following operations: 1. Create a new bank account with an initial balance. 2. Deposit money into his/her account. 3. Withdraw money from his/her account. For this operation, you need to output “Transaction successful” if the intended amount of money can be withdrawn, otherwise output “Transaction unsuccessful” and no money will be withdrawn from his/her account. Input The input contains several operations and is terminated by “0”. The operations will be “Create name amount”, “Deposit name amount”, or “Withdraw name amount”, where name is the customer’s name and amount is an integer indicating the amount of money. There will be at most 100 bank accounts and they are all created on the first month when the bank is opening. You may assume that all account holders have unique names and the names consist of only a single word. Output The output contains the transaction result of withdrawal operations and the final balance of all customers after some withdrawal and deposit operations (same order as the input). Sample Input Create Billy 2500 Create Charlie 1000 Create John 100 Withdraw Charlie 500 Deposit John 899 Withdraw Charlie 1000 0


find the two largest values among the 6 numbers using control structures : do-while,for,if else,nestedif- else ,while. one or two of them.


Must accepts "Maestro Cards" Tax for bike should be less than 15 Total number of lanes is more than 10 Must provides monthly pass Write a method: boolean isGoodTollBridge(String[] cardsAccepted, String[] tollTax, boolean hasMonthlyPass, int numberOfLanes); String[] cardsAccepted A String array of names of card types accepted for payment of toll tax, it can be null if the toll does not accept any card String[] tollTax A String array of toll tax chart (say “Train : 300”,”BullCart : 10”) boolean hasMonthlyPass This parameter defines whether there is any monthly pass available or not int numberOfLanes This parameter defines the number of lanes for each side



Write a program to encrypt the data in a way that inputs a four digit number and replace each digit by (the sum of that digit plus 7) modulus 10. Then sweep the first digit with the third, second digit with the fourth and print the encrypted number.



which is best institute to learn c,c++ in ameerpet hyderabad

1 2425

write a C++ program for booking using constructor and destructor.



what is the new version of oops



what is the new version of c++

Ignou, Pramata, Satyam,

1 4374

can you give the dynamic polymorphism types?


2 14658

write a program that will accept a number and print.its equivalent in words the maximum input number is 9999


write a programme to get a character and thier ASCII value


In what scenario does the Logical file and Physical file being used?



Write a program to print the swapping in two no and using three variable.


5 9872

what is difference between thread and programme.


1 2967

How to create a comment page in C #??

2 4276

Un-Answered Questions { C++ }

Function can be overloaded based on the parameter which is a value or a reference. Explain if the statement is true.


How can you link a c++ program to c functions?


What are libraries in c++?


Why do we use pointers in c++?


What is the default access level?


What is the purpose of template?


Tell me can a pure virtual function have an implementation?


What is the main use of c++?


Define a nested class. Explain how it can be useful.


Does c++ vector allocate memory?


Is c++ vector a linked list?


What is the difference between a "copy constructor" and an "assignment operator" in C++?


Define type casting in C++.


How do you declare A pointer to a function which receives nothing and returns nothing


What is oops in c++?