C++ Interview Questions
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Write a program in C++ to concatenate two strings into third string using pointers

5 33498

Write a program in C++ returning starting locations of a substring using pointers

1 7415

Write a program in C/C++ to implement reader- writer problem


1 22739

C#.net Interview Question A=10 B=5 C=A+B Print C The above will be given in a multiline textbox. You need to parse the above input, store values for A,B&c. And you have to display the value of C.


1 5127

what is inline function?

3 5252

write infinite loop in C++ which does not use any variable or constant?

3 6330

write a program in c++ to generate imp z y x w v w x y z z y x w x y z z y x y z z y z z

4 7383

for example A,B,C,D are class all the 4 class contain one method who() but the method who() implementaion is differnet among each class. the relation among the 4 class are A is base class and is inherited by B and C.and from this two B and C where D is inherited. the question is i want to display the output who() method in all the classes(A,B,C,D)the output of who() method is diferrent amond all the class(A,B,C,D) ------A------ virtuval who(print a) override | | who(print b) B C override who(print c) | | -------D------ override who(print d)

2 3878

what is polymorpsim? what are its types?

8 9261

print first nodd numbers in descending order

7 23238

program in c++ to input digits and print in words


1 10245

what is function overloading..?

4 4661

what is a binary overloading

2 5327

what is the difference between function template and template of function?explain with example.

2 18554

wap to accept 10 numbers & display the number of odd and even numbers??

1 6159

Un-Answered Questions { C++ }

How can you link a c program with a c function?


What's the value of the expression 5["abxdef"]?


What are c++ manipulators?


To which numbering system can the binary number 1101100100111100 be easily converted to?


What is searching?


write a code for this:trailer recordId contains a value other than 99, then the file must error with the reason ‘Invalid RECORD_ID’(User Defined Exception).


Is eclipse good for c++?


What are the data types in oop?


What is singleton pattern in c++?


What are disadvantages of pointers?


What is encapsulation in C++? Give an example.


What are built-in functions? What is the syntax for the definition?


What is interface in oop?


Differentiate between C and C++.


How can a called function determine the number of arguments that have been passed to it?