C Interview Questions
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what will be the output of the following program, justify? #define TEST int TEST getdata() { static i; i+=10; return i; } main() { int k; k = getdata(); }

3 4087

"I LOVE MY COUNTRY" write a c program to get "COUNTRY MY LOVE I" as the output. Use any other programming language. It is not mandatory to use C.

ABC Infotech, ADP, College School Exams Tests, Kovair,

11 31179

write a program to sum of its digit with using control structure or with out using loop. for ex: let the number is 25634 then answer will be=2+5+6+3+4=20

4 9773

what would be the output of the following prog? Justify your answer? main() { unsigned char ch; unsigned char i; ch = -255; printf("%d",ch); i = -1; printf("%d",i); }

1 2994

int x=5; printf("%d%d%d",x,x<<2,x>>2);


2 5062

how do we remove the printed character in printf statement and write next it it

1 2898

hi, which software companys will take,if d candidate's % is jst 55%?


how can i print "hello"

3 4451

difference between c and c++

3 4669

what is purpose of fflush(stdin) function

4 30800

how can i print "hello".please consider inverted commas as well.i want to print on console: "hello"


4 10798

how to compare two strings without using strcmp() function??

1 4689

how can i get the string which is having two spaces at the end.suppose the string is "Hello World ".Now at the end i have two spaces.i need to print with that spaces .

1 3097

what is the output for this question: main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,i++,++i); }

9 7915

# define x=1+4; main() { int x; printf("%d%d",x/2,x/4); }

5 7806

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What is the c value paradox and how is it explained?


What are the storage classes in C?


Are comments included during the compilation stage and placed in the EXE file as well?


What is sizeof int in c?


c program to compute AREA under integral


What is meant by inheritance?


How do you construct an increment statement or decrement statement in C?


What is return in c programming?


How can I display a percentage-done indication that updates itself in place, or show one of those twirling baton progress indicators?


Is main is a keyword in c?


What are conditional operators in C?


What are the types of pointers?


What is an auto keyword in c?


What are loops c?


in programming languages a statement or part of a statement that specifies several different execution sequences a) constructs b) distructs c) executes d) none