C Interview Questions
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what is the difference between #include and #include "stdio.h" ?

3 7731

Why preprocessor should come before source code?

2 3689

What is a far pointer?What is the utility?

4 5018

Difference between null pointer and dangling pointer?

GE, Wipro,

7 20075

1. Write the function int countchtr(char string[ ], int ch); which returns the number of times the character ch appears in the string. Example, the call countchtr(“She lives in NEWYORK”, ‘e’) would return 3.

4 5608

what are the languages used in c#?


3 4509

write an algorithm to get a sentence and reverse it in the following format: input : I am here opuput: Here Am I note: first letter of every word is capiatlised

3 5049

write a 'c' program to sum the number of integer values

8 14257

How to convert a binary number to Hexa decimal number?? (Note:Do not convert it into binary and to Hexadecimal)

iLantus, Subex,

1 6604

Find the middle node in the linked list?? (Note:Do not use for loop, count and count/2)


6 11432

hw can we delete an internal node of binary search tree the internal node has child node..plz write progarm



I use turbo C which allocates 2 bytes for integers and 4 bytes for long. I tried to declare array of size 500000 of long type using the following code... long *arr; arr=(long *)(malloc)(500000 * sizeof(long)); It gives a warning that "Conversion may lose significant digits in function main"... And the resulting array size was very less around 8400 as compared to 500000. Any suggestions will be welcomed....

2 4755

Total of how many functions are available in c?

3 4817

size maximum allocated by calloc()


3 7646

we all know about the function overloading concept used in C++ and we all learnt abt that.... but that concept is already came in C in a very smaller propotion ... my question is IN WHICH CONCEPT THERE IS A USE OF FUNCTION OVERLOADING IS USED in C language?????????????


4 6302

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Why does everyone say not to use scanf? What should I use instead?


What does %p mean?


What are identifiers in c?


Write a program of advanced Fibonacci series.


What is the collection of communication lines and routers called?


How many main () function we can have in a project?


What do you mean by recursion in c?


What is 'bus error'?


What kind of structure is a house?


process by which one bit patten in to another by bit wise operation is? (a) masking, (b) pruning, (c) biting, (d) chopping,


Why do we use null pointer?


How can you allocate arrays or structures bigger than 64K?


write a programe to accept any two number and check the following condition using goto state ment.if a>b,print a & find whether it is even or odd and then print.and a


What is the difference between a string and an array?


How do you determine the length of a string value that was stored in a variable?