C Interview Questions
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Read N characters in to an array . Use functions to do all problems and pass the address of array to function. 2. Enter alphanumeric characters and form 2 array alphaets and digits.Also print the count of each array.


Read N characters in to an array . Use functions to do all problems and pass the address of array to function. 1. Print only the alphabets . If in upper case print in lower case vice versa. 2. Enter alphanumeric characters and form 2 array alphaets and digits.Also print the count of each array. 3. Find the count of a certain character. 4. Print the positions where a certain character occured. 5. Print the characters between successive array elements. 6. Find the largest and smallest charcter. How many times it each one occured. 7. Enter a certain range. Print out the array elements which occured between these range. 8. Reverse a character array without using another array. 9. Reverse an array region. 10. Replace a the array elements with it next character . Use a after z. 11. Code the array element with certain character as first alphabet. 12. Duplicate all the vowels in a character array. What is the new count. 13. Delete the vowels in a character array. What is the new array count. 14. Print the count of all characters in the array. 15. Enter n alphabets and store a upto tht charcter in array.What is the array count? 16. Sort a character array. 17. Merge 2 character arrays largearray,smallarray. 18. Find the pair with largest number of characters in between. 19. Find the numerical value of a charcter array. 20. Store n numeral characters in an arrray. Insert another numeral character in a certain position. 21. Insert a character in a sorted array. 22. Merge 2 sorted arrays in sorted fashion. 23. Duplicate the least occuring character. 24. Write a menu driven program to circular right/left shift an array of n elements. 25. Is the character array palindrome? if not make it palindrome. 26. Concatenate the first n charaters to the end of the string. 27. Print all n group of chracters which are palindrome. 28. Concatneate the reverse of last n characters to the array.


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int far *near * p; means



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iFlex, Microsoft,

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What ios diff. Between %e & %f?


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declare afunction pointer to int printf(char *)?


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when will be evaluated as true/ if(x==x==x) a) x=1; b) x=0; c) x=-1; d) none


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Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array


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Write a program to write a given string in maximum possibilities? i.e str[5]="reddy"; i.e we can write this string in 120 ways for that write a program


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sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))))=2; Find the value of x?


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what is structuer?

LG Soft, Wipro,

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Write a program to print this triangle: * ** * **** * ****** * ******** * ********** Don't use printf statements;use two nested loops instead. you will have to use braces around the body of the outer loop if it contains multiple statements.


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develop a breakfast order booking system using Functions, Structures and Arrays. The system is to support the operations shown to the user in the following system’s menu: Welcome to Asim's Restaurant Select an operation? 1 Make a breakfast order 2 Modify existing order 3 Cancel existing order 4 Print Bill 5 Exit Type in your selection (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): The program will include an array of structures. The structure type is called MenuItem, and the array of structures should be declared as menu[50] to store upto 50 breakfast menu items. The MenuItem structure must have the following 4 data fields (i.e. members): Code, description, unitprice, and quantity. Your program must define at least the following functions:  Function LoadData(…) that loads the data of breakfast menu items from an input file menu.txt into the array menu.  Five separate functions to handle the program main menu five tasks shown above. In general, function main() should load the data into the array menu and display the main menu of the above mentioned tasks. Based on the option selected, the corresponding function should be called. Users must make an order before requesting modify, cancel or print order bill (See the given sample run). Here is a more detailed explanation on the above tasks and functions. LoadData(…) Opens the input file menu.txt (you will create it) containing breakfast menu items data (See below) and assign these values to the corresponding array menu structure fields. Assign zero to the quantity field of the loaded menu items. Welcome to Asim's Restaurant Select an operation? 1 Make a breakfast order 2 Modify existing order 3 Cancel existing order 4 Print Bill 5 Exit Type in your selection (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5): MakeOrder(…) This function is called when the user selects option 1 from the main menu. It first displays the breakfast menu items to the user (stored in the array menu) along with all the necessary information (item code, description and unit price). It then requests the user to select an item using the item code (see the sample run). When the user enters an item code number the program should verify the code number and increment the quantity of the selected item in the array menu. Your program should reject invalid item codes and request the user to re-enter the item code or stop the entry. PrintBill(…) This function is called when the user selects option 4 from the main menu. The function displays the breakfast menu items in the breakfast order by printing the values of all MenuItem members of the array menu that have quantity value above zero. Print a nicely formatted bill (See the sample run). CancelOrder(…) This function is called when the user selects option 3 from the main menu. It will cancel the breakfast order by setting the quantity value of all the array menu structures to zero. ModifyOrder(….) This function is called when the user selects option 2 from the main menu. The task of this function is to allow the user to edit an existing breakfast order with two operations: Adding more breakfast items and/or altering the breakfast item that were ordered before (examine the sample program run). Handling Errors and Invalid Input Your program should reply safely to any erroneous situation or input with appropriate message to the user and flow nicely and correctly to the next operation (Examine the sample program run). Additional functions Use of functions is highly recommended for any additional special tasks needed by your solution. Global variables are not allowed except for max array menu size 50. You must pass the needed parameters through functions parameter lists.


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