C Interview Questions
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What will be the output of following program #include main() { int x,y = 10; x = y * NULL; printf("%d",x); }

1 1822

write a c program to find largest of three numbers using simple if only for one time.

1 1253

Why cd or dvd are round why not square.

1 1403

Which driver is a pure java driver



In c programming write a program that will print 10 multiples of 3 except 15,18,21 using looping


Program will then find the largest of three numbers using nested if-else statements. User is prompted to enter three numbers. Program will find the largest number and display it on the screen. All three numbers entered by the user are also displayed. If user enters 21, 33, and 5, the output should be as follows: You entered: 21, 33 and 5. The largest number is 33.


The program will first compute the tax you owe based on your income. User is prompted to enter income. Program will compute the total amount of tax owed based on the following: Income Tax 0 - $45,000 = 0.15 x income $45,001 - $90,000 = 6750 + 0.20 x (income – 45000) $90,001 - $140,000 = 15750 + 0.26 x (income – 90000) $140,001 - $200,000 = 28750 + 0.29 x (income – 140000) Greater than $200,000 = 46150 + 0.33 x (income – 200000) Dollar amounts should be in dollars and cents (float point numbers with two decimals shown). Tax is displayed on the screen.



Explain output of printf("Hello World"-'A'+'B'); ?


.find the output of the following program? char*myfunc(char*ptr) { ptr +=3; return (ptr); } int main() { char*x,*y; x="HELLO"; y=myfunc(x); printf("y = %s ",y); return 0; }


we need to calculating INCOME TAX for the person. The INCOME TAX is as follows:- First $10000/- of income : 4% tax Next $10000/- of income : 8% tax Next $10000/- of income : 11.5% tax above $10, 00,00/- : 15% tax What is the Solution of this Question ?


Given a valid 24 hour format time find the combination of the value and write a program ,do not hard the value and if any other inputs provided should work with the logic implemented Input: 11:30 Output: 13:10 Input: 18:25 Output: 21:58



int i=10; printf("%d %d %d", i, i=20, i);


largest Of three Number using without if condition?


What is your favorite subject?

Ericsson, Invendis, Tech Mahindra,

1 1361

int main() { Int n=20,i; For(i=0;i<=n;i--) { Printf(“-“); Return 0;


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If i have an array 0 to 99 i.e,(Size 100) I place the values 1 to 100 randomly like a[0]=29,a[1]=56 upto array[99].. the values are only between 1 to 100. getting the array values by using scanf.. If i entered one wrong element value line a[56]=108. how can i find it.. and also how to find the missing value in 1 to 100.. and i want to replace the missing values.. any one of them know please post your answer..