C Interview Questions
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write a c program to find the largest and 2nd largest numbers from the given n numbers without using arrays



how to print the character with maximum occurence and print that number of occurence too in a string given ?



write c program to display output 10(10+20)+(10+20+30)+ ... n term

Hindustan Gum Chemicals,


write a c program to do the following: a) To find the area of a triangle. b) To convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. c) To convert the time in hours : minutes : seconds to seconds.


why to assign a pointer to null sometimes??how can a pointer we declare get assigned with a garbage value by default???


what will be the output of this program? void main() { int a[]={5,10,15}; int i=0,num; num=a[++i] + ++i +(++i); printf("%d",num); }


6 6715

write a progrmm in c language take user interface generate table using for loop?


Write the program with at least two functions to solve the following problem. The members of the board of a small university are considering voting for a pay increase for their 5 faculty members. They are considering a pay increase of 8%. Write a program that will prompt for and accept the current salary for each of the faculty members, then calculate and display their individual pay increases. At the end of the program, print the total faculty payroll before and after the pay increase, and the total pay increase involved.

1 4169

main() { int i; printf("%d",scanf"%d",&i))//if the input is 12 24 34 then wat will be the output }

2 3028

#include void main() { int a=10,b=20,c=30; printf("%d",scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c)); } what is the output for this?


4 9450

Is it possible to run using programming C for Java Application?


2 3560

write a c program to find reminder and quotient if one number is divided by other.to code this program don't use more than 2 variables


2 5005

write a program that declares an array of 30 elements named "income" in the main functions. then cal and pass the array to a programmer-defined function named "getIncome" within the "getIncome" function, ask the user for annual income of 30 employees. then calculate and print total income on the screen using the following function: "void getIncome ( ai []);



write a programming in c to find the sum of all elements in an array through function.


i got 75% in all semester am i eligible for your company



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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Explain how do you print only part of a string?


Do you know the use of fflush() function?


Can you explain what keyboard debouncing is, and where and why we us it? please give some examples


What are the loops in c?


What is register variable in c language?


How can you increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files?


Is that possible to store 32768 in an int data type variable?


How can I run c program?


any restrictions have on the number of 'return' statements that may be present in a function. a) no restriction b) only 2 return statements c) only 1 return statements d) none of the above


write a program in c language to print your bio-data on the screen by using functions.


Read the following data in two different files File A: aaaaaaaadddddddd bbbbbbbbeeeeeeee ccccccccffffffff File B: 11111111 22222222 33333333 By using the above files print the following output or write it in the Other file as follows aaaaaaaa11111111dddddddd bbbbbbbb22222222eeeeeeee cccccccc33333333ffffffffffff


What is ambagious result in C? explain with an example.


Explain c preprocessor?


if the area was hit by a virus and so the decrease in the population because of death was x/3 and the migration from other places increased a population by 2x then annually it had so many ppl. find our the population in the starting.


What happens if a header file is included twice?