C Interview Questions
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How to print all the 26 alphabets in this order in C. AbCdEfGh..... it should print dynamically from a to z and do not print this using pgm like this print("Ab......"); Use loops or anything to print all alphabets


2 5974

why we wont use '&' sing in aceesing the string using scanf



process by which one bit patten in to another by bit wise operation is? (a) masking, (b) pruning, (c) biting, (d) chopping,



There are 21 people in a room. They have to form groups of 3 people each. How many combinations are possible? Write a C program to print the same.

HCL, iGate,

1 4465

in linking some of os executables are linking name some of them



difference between native and cross compilers


2) Write a program that will help Air Traffic Control for an airport to view the sequence of flights ready for take-off. The airport can accommodate 10 flights waiting for take-off at any point in time. Each flight has a unique 3 digit numeric identifier.  Each time a flight takes-off, Air Traffic Control adds a flight to the waitlist. Each time a flight is added to the waitlist, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  When a flight is cleared for take-off, Air Traffic Control removes the flight from the waitlist. Each time a flight takes-off, the list of flights waiting to take-off must be displayed.  Sequence of take-off is the sequence of addition to the waitlist


when i declare as: void main() { clrscr(); int a=10; printf("%d",a) } my problem that why generate a error in above programs. please tell me answer seriously .

4 10124

Develop a program that computes the new price of an item. The program should receive a character variable colour and a double precision floating-point variable price from the user. Discount rate is determined based on the colour of the discount sticker, as shown in the following table. An error message should be printed if an invalid colour has been entered

1 3406

#include main() {int i=1;j=1; for(;;) {if(i>5) break; else j+=1; printf("\n%d",j) i+=j; } }


7 24472

#include main(0 { printf("\n %d %d %d",sizeof(3),sizeof("3"),sizeof(3)); }


4 10277

1) There is a singing competition for children going to be conducted at a local club. Parents have been asked to arrive at least an hour before and register their children’s names with the Program Manager. Whenever a participant registers, the Program Manager has to position the name of the person in a list in alphabet order. Write a program to help the Program Manager do this by placing the name in the right place each time the Program Manger enters a name. The Logic should be written in Data Structures?



1) There is a singing competition for children going to be conducted at a local club. Parents have been asked to arrive at least an hour before and register their children’s names with the Program Manager. Whenever a participant registers, the Program Manager has to position the name of the person in a list in alphabet order. Write a program to help the Program Manager do this by placing the name in the right place each time the Program Manger enters a name. 2) the Event Manager has to send participants to the stage to perform in the order in which they registered. Write a program that will help the Event Manager know who to call to the stage to perform. The Logic should be in Data Structures



program for swapping two strings by using pointers in c language

1 10721

say the following declaration is correct nr not. int b=a,n=0;


4 4363

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What is openmp in c?


Can stdout be forced to print somewhere other than the screen?


Given an array of 1s and 0s arrange the 1s together and 0s together in a single scan of the array. Optimize the boundary conditions?


I have written a pro*C program to fetch data from the cursor. where in i have used the concept of BULK FETCH.... each FETCH statement is taking lots of time to fetch specified number of rows at...


What is ponter?


Write the program with at least two functions to solve the following problem. The members of the board of a small university are considering voting for a pay increase for their 10 faculty members. They are considering a pay increase of 8%. Write a program that will prompt for and accept the current salary for each of the faculty members, then calculate and display their individual pay increases. At the end of the program, print the total faculty payroll before and after the pay increase, and the total pay increase involved.


What is the general form of #line preprocessor?


What is scanf () in c?


What is pivot in c?


What does %c do in c?


code for find determinent of amatrix


Why structure is used in c?


How can I swap two values without using a temporary?


What does typedef struct mean?


What are the types of functions in c?