C Interview Questions
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If I want to initialize the array like. int a[5] = {0}; then it gives me all element 0. but if i give int a[5] = {5}; then 5 0 0 0 0 is ans. what will I do for all element 5 5 5 5 5 in a single statement???

Amdocs, IBM,

3 4940

write a C program : To find out the number of identical words in two files . the file name should be taken as command line argument .


1 5343

write a C program:There is a mobile keypad with numbers 0-9 and alphabets on it. Take input 0f 7 keys and then form a word from the alphabets present on the keys.

91mobiles, Amazon, App Guruz, College School Exams Tests, Folio3, Infosys, Omega, Planin, Riphah International University, Subex,

1 14964

write a C program: To recognize date of any format even formats like "feb-02-2003","02-february-2003",mm/dd/yy, dd/mm/yy and display it as mm/dd/yy.



write a C program: To search a file any word which starts with ?a?. If the word following this ?a? starts with a vowel.Then replace this ?a? with ?a? with ?an?. redirect with the output onto an output file.The source file and destination file are specified by the user int the command line.



CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ON THIS PROGRAM FOR MY EXAM..TQ Write a C program to help a H’s Restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. Your assignment should implement the following items: a. Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the H’s Restaurant. b. Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu. c. Calculate and print the bill to the customer. d. Produce a report to present your complete program and show more sample output. Assume that the H’s Restaurant offers the following breakfast menu: Plain Egg $2.50 Bacon and Egg $3.45 Muffin $2.20 French Toast $2.95 Fruit Basket $3.45 Cereal $0.70 Coffee $1.50 Tea $1.80 Your program must do the following task below: a. Define the data structs, menu item types with two components: menu item of type string and menu price of type double. Use an array to declare the data structs. b. Function get data to loads the data into the array menu list. c. Function show menu to show the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant and tell the user how to select the items. d. Function print receipt to calculates and prints the customer receipt. The billing amount should include a 5% tax. e. Format your output with two decimal places. The name of each item in the output must be left-justify. You may assume that the user selects only one item of a particular type. f. The two sample output as shown: Welcome to HiFi’s Restaurant 1 Bacon and Egg $3.45 1 Muffin $2.20 1 Coffee $1.50 Tax 5% $0.35 Amount Due $7.50

1 6664

what is the use of operator ^ in C ? and how it works?

2 3689

Is both getch() and getchar() functions are similar? if it is similar means why these two functions are used for same usage? if it is not similar means what is the difference?


1 3291

how to write a bubble sort program without using temporary variable?


1 15406

How to check whether string is a palindrome, WITHOUT USING STRING FUNCTIONS?

Aricent, Manipal University,

2 15504

Is Exception handling possible in c language?



How to reverse alternate words in a given line of string For Eg: my name is narasimha output : my eman is ahmisaran


how to write hello word without using semicolon at the end?


6 6572

what is the difference between while and do while?

2 3417

How to print %d in output


6 5949

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

What is difference between array and pointer in c?


Why is event driven programming or procedural programming, better within specific scenario?


What are the two forms of #include directive?


Tell me what is null pointer in c?


What is bubble sort in c?


Tell us two differences between new () and malloc ()?


write a c program to find the sum of five entered numbers using an array named number


how to write a c program to print list of fruits in alpabetical order?


What is dynamic dispatch in c++?


What is getch?


any function have arguments one or more OR not . it is compulsary a) any function compulsary have one or more arguments b) any function did not have arguments. It is not compulsary c) it is optional it is not compulsary d) none of the above


What are different types of variables in c?


Input is "rama loves rajesh and rajesh Loves rama also and rajesh wear gloves and bloves" To print output is count the numbers of times repeted the word love without case sensitive.


Write a Program to find whether the given number or string is palindrome.


What is %g in c?