C Interview Questions
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the operator for exponencation is a.** b.^ c.% d.not available


5 7583

what is y value of the code if input x=10 y=5; if (x==10) else if(x==9) elae y=8; a.9 b.8 c.6 d.7


4 10623

what does the following code do? fn(int n,int p,int r) { static int a=p; switch(n){ case 4:a+=a*r; case 3:a+=a*r; case 2:a+=a*r; case 1:a+=a*r; } } a.computes simple interest for one year b.computes amount on compound interest for 1 to 4 years c.computes simple interest for four year d.computes compound interst for 1 year


7 11188

a=0; while(a<5) printf("%d\n",a++); how many times does the loop occurs? a.infinite b.5 c.4 d.6


7 14631

how many times does the loop iterated ? for (i=0;i=10;i+=2) printf("Hi\n");


9 17910

which of the following go out of the loopo if expn 2 becoming false a.while(expn 1){...if(expn 2)continue;} b.while(!expn 1){if(expn 2)continue;...} c.do{..if(expn 1)continue;..}while(expn 2); d.while(!expn 2){if(expn 1)continue;..}


4 7340

pick out the odd one out of the following a.malloc() b.calloc() c.free() d.realloc()

TCS, ZenQ,

2 11999

# define prod(a,b)=a*b main() { int x=2; int y=3; printf("%d",prod(x+2,y-10)); } the output of the program is a.8 b.6 c.7 d.none

Microsoft, TCS,

7 18636

consider the following program sigment int n,sum=1; switch(n) { case 2:sum=sum+2; case 3:sum*=2; break; default:sum=0;} if n=2, what is the value of sum a.0 b.6 c.3 d.none


7 12765

the format specified for hexa decimal is a.%d b.%o c.%x d.%u


7 9837

find the output of the following program main() { int x=5, *p; p=&x; printf("%d",++*p); }

Amdocs, TCS,

10 24482

consider the following C code main() { int i=3,x; while(i>0) { x=func(i); i--; } int func(int n) { static sum=0; sum=sum+n; return(sum); } the final value of x is


4 9096

int *a[5] refers to


12 22873

which of the following statements is incorrect a.typedef struct new{ int n1; char n2; } DATA; b.typedef struct { int n3; char *n4; }ICE; c.typedef union { int n5; float n6; } UDT; d.#typedef union { int n7; float n8; } TUDAT;

Assurgent, TCS,

5 14198

main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); } what is the output?

AMCAT, HCL, Ramco, Zycus Infotech,

7 24344

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pierrot's divisor program using c or c++ code


write a program to input 10 strings and compare without using strcmp() function. If the character of one string matches with the characters of another string , sort them and make it a single string ??? example:- str1="Aakash" st2="Himanshu" str="Uday" output:- Aakashimanshuday (please post the answer as quickly as possible)


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hi, which software companys will take,if d candidate's % is jst 55%?


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