Fashion Modelling Interview Questions
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How can I turn my fashion design hobby into a career?

1 6307

Do Fashion Designers have to draw well in order to succeed?

1 4188

I'm new to sewing, and I need to know what are some good pieces to start with?


Who is credited with popularizing the mini skirt?

1 5778

Who invented the C20th bikini?

2 8611

What non surgical products does western society use for women to enlarge the lips and lighten wrinkles?

1 5617

At which fashion show was Naomi Campbell modelling when she slipped on her platform soles?

2 6794

What 1980s TV soap opera with a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 million?

1 5157

Who was the 1980s and 1990s fashion icon known as the Clothes Horse Ambassadress of Fashion?

1 8889

What is a toile?

1 3650

Which shoe mostly worn by people such as ambulance and police workers became a 1970s fashion shoe?

1 6371

What was grunge?

1 3644

What is a Novak?

1 3404

What was a casaque?

1 3519

What was a paletot?


Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling }

Who was Beau Nash?


please tell me the contact no. of the production house of 'naa ana is desh meri laado'.


Write notes on Different materials for different clothes?


Explain Felting


What was a pannier?


What was a capote?


Name the six novels Jane Austen published between 1811 and 1818?


When was neo gothic influence in dress fashions at its peak?


What is fashion forecasting?


What was redingote?


What are the steps involved in Range planning?


i'm just a beginner and i'm going to attend a serious casting. i know there are some very important things every model must care in her bag wherever she goes. so what are this things? thanks in advance!


Fashion magazines always talk about the "collections." How is a collection put together?


Give an account on Chemba Roomals


Which new invention by James Hargreaves in 1764 eventually wiped out the domestic industry of spinning yarns?