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DRL Interview Questions
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what is the diffirence between deviation and change control? at what situations we can raise the deviation and change control

31 161445

want previous papers of group - II

95 101108

What is the Range Of Infra red Spectrum?

5 10559

why we use holmiumperchlorate in calibrating uv

4 16884

what is dissolution

6 26088

why peak purity not considered in GC?

4 16768

How do we fix the sample concentaryion in hplc method development. what is the basis?Thanks in advance

4 19555

what is difference between drug products and drug substance?

5 89932

why use k2cr2o7 , kcl h2so4 in uv calibration

1 9997

why PH range 0-14 explain

5 62614

What is meaning of audit trail in hplc

3 23750

function of detecter in hplc ,gc and spectroscopy? function of carrier gas in gc?


What is the difference between Humidity and Relative Humidity?

1 6708

reasons for negative peaks in chromatography

5 14528

why hexadecane is used in calibration of FID IN GC THERE IS NO REMAINING SOLVENTS

1 7322

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Explain and define standard feat of formation


Is ajax an api?


What are nsautoreleasepool and how can we use them?


what is inverter and converter


Calculate sum of salaries department wise. Then the sum will be repeat for all columns in each department. Develop a mapping for this.


what rules exist regarding format, content, flame wars, etc


Explain about hibernate proxy?


What is opening period?


Is arch linux better than ubuntu?


Is c is a high level language?


What are the SDLC phases you have invloved ?


Please send RRB section engineer's signal paper of past 20 years.This is very urgent.I am giving section engineer exam this syear


Can I use a native two-tier driver for a browser applet? : BEA Weblogic


How to set property in apache tajo?


What is the possible impact of Ad Rank on Cost per Click?