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Engro Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between internal and external commands?

13 75914

what is the tolerance of electrical frequency for India? it's .5% or 1%?

8 8698

What is DPR relay, And what for??

2 5172

What will be done if we open the secondary of CT on load??

4 5498

what is the main purpose of deaerator in thermal power plants?

3 14886

What will be happend if we not ground CT secondary?

3 7321

Can any body help to get Rsemulator 5000 free from internet if possible then give me any link or any help .


What creates speed in centrifugal pump ?

1 4037

how to define vector group of transformer

1 5048

can i use 2000/5A Clamp meter to measure HT cable


10Hp, 3-phase, 415v, 50Hz induction motor. The above motor is to run on Star-Delta connection, so how do i make following hardware selection 1) MCB, 2) Contactor, 3) Wire Gage (Depending on P-P current or Line Current), 4) OLR, Please tell in detail how to do the above, so as to get the ans. of it even if the Hp rating changes.

1 5675

what is differnce b/w comprresure and pump

4 7086

what is difference between standards and codes explain with examples?

1 2865

what is the pressure in the tank when its level of liquid is 1.5 meters when its total capacity is 2 meters

2 2900

what will be the pressure in tank which has the total level of 2 meters and is filled 1.2 meters ?

4 3814

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Un-Answered Questions

What is injection in angular?


What is database management used for?


What is the command used to run a batch?


Short Answer on _____________Intangible Assets


Why should a company prefer equity finance to debt finance?


How to use set clause in neo4j?


How do you create a blank file in linux?


what happen ehen synchronisation is done at below rated speed


Why is sessionfactory used in hibernate?


Difference between OLAP and relational connection to SAP HANA?


How to save query output to a local file?


What is the expert view?


How do I stop blue screen?


What is a primary key sql?


When a Static Constructor called in .NET?