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NetApp Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the use of thread over process?

11 25734

What are the signals we have in Linux

3 11801

what is segmentation fault?

11 36059

what is bus trap.

1 10143

What is the use of proc structure?

2 12080

What will happen when we invoke a system call and say with an example of invoking a system call ?read? for a device?

3 13401

What is Device driver?

8 19751

Write a program or provide a pseudo code to flip the 2nd bit of the 32 bit number ! (Phone Screen)

1 6351

What are indexes ? What are the advantages ? (Phone Screen)

1 8978

What is relational database ? Give me an example !

4 11750

Add 2 64 bit numbers on a 32 bit machine

3 16662

please post me last 10 years sbi clerical exam question paper to my email

45 34368

Program to trim a given character from a string.

5 7533

How to write a code for random pick from 1-1000 numbers? The output should contain the 10 numbers from the range 1-1000 which should pick randomly, ie ,for each time we run the code we should get different outputs.

12 18765

Net app interview questions ============================ . Storage Fundamentals: - what is Raid? What are different kind of Raids? - Difference between all of Raids , Advantage of one raid over other - What are FCP & ISCSI, Difference between them. - FC Topologies, Iscsi commands - How to mount a Lun on Windows/Linux - NFS and CIFS - Difference between SAN, NAS and DAS - Different Backup methodologies, Snapshot, mirror, Disaster Recovery, High Availability, Cluster concepts 2. Network Fundamentals: - TCP/IP and ISO/OSI layers - What is DHCP, DNS, SNMP, Router, Hub, Switch, HTTPS , HTTP, telnet , ssh, rsh - Different SNMP versions (V1, V2, V3) - SNMP traps - Ipv4 and Ipv6 addressing 3. Database: - SQL queries, Joins (may ask you to write queries with complex joins) - Aggregate functions - Schemas, Tables, views (create, delete, alter, drop etc) 4. Testing - Bug tracking process, Types of Bugs - Difference between priority and Severity of Bug - Your best bug , what will you do when your bug is not fixed/rejected etc. - What is Functionality/Sanity/Stress/Upgrade & revert/Performance/negative/Release test/regression tests. How you have done these in your past projects. - Black box testing, grey box testing - May ask to write test cases on a given scenario - What is test plan and test summary/strategy document. Different sections in these documents. - SDLC, Test Lifecycle and approach to test a product (Given a product what different kind of testing you will do) 5. Perl ( in addition, you may be asked to write scripts on below areas) - Regular expressions - File/Directory Handling - Scalars, Arrays and Hashes - Packages and Modules - Use and require statements - Go through Net::Telnet, Net::SNMP, Net::SSH modules in perl


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Un-Answered Questions

Explain csv tables.


What is good accounts Process & Execution capabilities?


What are the various dashboards in Tensorflow?


Do you know spatial data types - geometry and geography in sql server 2008?


What is a protected method?


How is an empty tuple created?


Which one is better jsp or servlet?


What are the difference between javascript and jquery?


How can javascript be used to improve the "look and feel" of a web site? By the same token, how can javascript be used to improve the user interface?


Explain artificial insemination?


What is account modification key?


Pfcg proposed activities but you need only two. What would you do?


What is the difference between the functions memmove() and memcpy()?


Explain cedf transaction commands?


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